Chapter 17

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Frisk's POV

What I hadn't realized is that now we were standing, but his hands were still wrapped around me. I blushed even harder, if possible. "Uh... Sans.. Could you.. Let me go.?" I asked him trying to get out of his grip. "But whyyyyy. C'mon Frisk." Sans said sounding half like a small child. He gave me a smirk, along with a wink. "Please.?" I asked making my voice sound a pitch higher. "Hmm.. Nope." Sans replied popping the 'p' at the end. Before anything else could even happen, I quickly leaned in and kissed him. After a few moments I broke it off and smiled at him. "Now will you let me go?" I asked him. "I-I.. I mean I guess." He said letting go of me. I giggled slightly. "Hey kid I still haven't given you my birthday present." Sans said to me with a smirk. "Oh.?" I said making it sound more like a question. "C'mon." He said extending his arm out to me. I gladly took it.

Sans' POV

I teleported us to Frisk's favorite place in Waterfall. I had quite the surprise for her. "Wow.. Even after a few years its still as beautiful as I remember.." Frisk said looking around. "Yeah, but nothing's more beautiful than you." I said causing her to blush. I chuckled slightly, before speaking again. "I have to go get something for your surprise, I promise it won't take long." "Okay, I'll be waiting." She said before I teleported away. I walked into a store, and decided to buy a ring for Frisk, along with my surprise. Nothing too big, but something casual that Frisk would love. I didn't have to look around before I found one I knew she would absolutely love. (Ring Below)

I paid the 32 gold and then put the ring in my palm, holding it tightly so I wouldn't loose it

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I paid the 32 gold and then put the ring in my palm, holding it tightly so I wouldn't loose it. I quickly teleported back to where Frisk was. She was sitting on the bench next to the pond. I walked over to her, and took a seat facing her. She also faced me. I took in a deep breath and before she could say anything, I began. "Frisk, you are the most beautiful person I have ever met in my entire life. You're just so caring and sweet, and wouldn't even hurt a fly. So, will you, Frisk, be my beloved girlfriend.?" Right after the question I immediately showed her the ring. "Oh my gosh Sans... Yes!" She said attacking me with a hug. I hugged back and after a few seconds we let go, and slipped the ring onto her finger. "Thank you so much Sans, but you didn't have to do all of this!" Frisk said to me. "But I did anyways, beautiful." I said putting an arm around her, still causing her blush. I teleported us to my house, onto the couch. Papyrus was still  nowhere to be seen. She leaned her head down my shoulder, inching closer to me. I kept my arm around her, tightening my grip gently as she inched closer.

She was finally mine...

Well I hope you all enjoyed this book, as I loved writing it.

As of now, this is the end of this story as well. But who knows.. Maybe I'll add a little extra something ;)

Anyways, thanks for reading, much love!

Baii              -Cloud.

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