Here are some of mine. The list will grow as time moves on.
"I am eggcentric: I like to get to the yolk of the matter!"
"I like to err on MY side!"
"I like wines that go: "Plonk!"
"I've worn this day out, I think it needs a break!"
"I live life one heartbeat at a time!"
"Maybe I've seen you before, but I have an eclective memory!"
" I was caught between a hard place and a duvet!"
"My breakfast is coffee, with hot water and coffee beans!"
"I ran into a new site that's on my 'to miss'-list!"
"I got a new pod with dooby sound, awesome dude!"
"He went down well. Pardon the gun! "
"He's about as intelligent as a well-educated gnat!"
" Navel piercing, that's like for sinking ships and shit, right?"
" They 'were' going to have one minute of silence, but they kept it quiet!"
"I don't believe in ghosts: their sheets look too clean!"
"The game is afoot, but I'm the big toe this time!"
" "=air quote!
"You might wonna tell your pet centipede to tie his shoelaces!"
"I used to love kids, when I was young!!"
"I felt as if I'd been stomped on by ONE giant centipede!"
"My initial thought was 'A' "
"English tea date:
Boy: I'll be Daddy!
Girl: You naughty boy!"
"Don't call us, we'll call him!"
"I fingered it out. It's three!"
"To the lawyer: I don't like this clause. It's not Santa!"
"But I got to the bottom of and it smelled! I'm not pointing any fingers, mind!"
"That's a peachy figleaf you're sporting, Mell. I didn't know they had bonsais like that though!"
Magician: "You're the most beautiful women I ever sawed!"
"And you can quote me on this: I didn't say it!"
*More to come as I think of them...*
More Tittbits!
HumorMore of the same funny, zany stories that you have come to expect from Ralphie A Burcke!