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Linda tapped a random beat on her cereal bowl as she thought. 

"Hmm...what shall I do today?" She thought aloud. Linda had become very accustomed to speaking to herself, it made things less quiet, a state in which Linda quite disliked.

By now Linda was rambling to herself in a harried manner, seeming to argue, ", that would be too exerting for my poor legs. Isn't that right legs?"  Linda proceeded to bend over to her legs as if to listen for an answer, then in a lower pitched voice, "That's right, Linda." Sitting back up straight, satisfied with the answer, she continued her argument, "You see, jogging around the pond is not a good idea, legs' agrees with me!"

Linda had a large, murky brown pond that her little townhouse overlooked. Often as a spry 60 year old gal, she would go running around it,  but with age came pain, and a cease in that activity.

Linda was now narrating the other side of the argument in a slightly higher pitched voice, "Fine, if not jogging, then what should we do to keep in shape?" Ulterior Linda answered indignantly.

Linda seemed to go to the other Linda now and a frown creased her forehead as she debated quietly to herself (that is one side of herself) how to answer other Linda.

This whole process was quite confusing to the onlooker, as all one saw was an old lady sitting at her kitchen table, tapping a spoon on a ceramic cereal bowl as she held a conversation with seemingly the air.

Soon, the argument was resolved, and both Lindas were again agreeing on things, though it was only a matter of time before a similar situation ensued. Likely over the topic of lunch, I would wager.

So, that is how Linda Caraway decided to set out for a brisk stroll around the pond that chilly autumn day. With the leaves swirling in the wind, and the grandmotherly figure, without a living family to call her own, skipping childishly in the pink windbreaker, the day began. The question is, what would ensue before that beautiful glowing ball of yellowish orange slipped below the horizon once more?

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