Sorting Time!

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After living in the castle during the school year with my Mom and Dad, the headmaster and deputy headmistress of Hogwarts, for 8 years it is finally time for me to go as a student. I am excited and slightly nervous since I am not very good at making friends. I join the rest of the first year students in the entryway and Mom shows us to the Great Hall doors. 

"Remain out here, I will return to get you for the sorting ceremony." Mom says as she enters. Once the doors close behind her, we all start talking. Three first year students come up to me and introduce themselves as Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, and Hermione Granger. 

"Hi, my name is Alexis Dumbledore. I'm the headmasters daughter. Professors Snape, Black and Lupin are my brothers." I say with a smile. We talk about ourselves for a few minutes before Hermione declares we are officially friends. We all voice our agreement when the doors to the Great Hall open again. The nervous feeling in my stomach returns full force. 

"First years, we are ready to begin the sorting."  My mom says, ushering us in. I look at my 3 new friends, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger. We all take a deep breath and go in. Mom sends an encouraging smile my way and mouths, 'Don't worry.' I mouth back, 'Thanks.' She nods and leads us to the front near where Dad and my brothers are all smiling, although Sev is trying not to smile too much. Once we get there and the hat says its normal things, Mom starts calling out the names on her list and gets to mine too quickly for my liking.

"Alexis Dumbledore." She says, with a smile on her face. I slowly go and sit on the uncomfortable stool. The hat goes silent for a few seconds before loudly declaring that I am a Gryffindor. Everyone cheers and claps as I go join my fellow housemates. Mom pulls my into a quick hug before sending me to the Gryffindor table. I zone out for a while, barely noticing as Harry, Ron and Hermione all are also put in Gryffindor, and Draco is put into Slytherin. Once the ceremony is over, Dad stands and tells us the school rules after welcoming us, then the feast starts. I only pick at my food since I didn't sleep well last night and I just want to go to the common room. Suddenly, I am pulled from my thoughts as a note appears in front of me. I blush as I read it. It says, 'Alexis Faith, if you don't start eating right now, I will come feed you myself. Love, Sev'. I blush profusely as I read it.

I look at the professors table and glare at him. My glaring is interrupted by Hermione.

"What was that?" She asks. I show her, Ron, and Harry the note. They all say I should eat so I don't end up getting embarrassed by him following through.

"I'm just not hungry." I say.

"You better eat. Professor Snape is getting up and walking this way." Harry says nervously.

"He wouldn't do it." I say confidently.

"Oh really?" I hear Sev say behind me.

"Yes, really. I'm just not hungry!" I say, suddenly aggravated. He sits in the empty seat beside me and tries to feed me. I slap his hand away.

"I'm not hungry!" I whine.

"Don't make me tell Dad that you are whining and refusing to obey me." Sev says to me.

"You wouldn't." I say, but it comes out like a question.

"Oh, but I would, little sister. You know what would happen. Now, start eating. Next time it won't be me coming down here." Sev says. I nod and start eating because I know that I won't be so lucky if Dad or Mom come down here. They WILL feed me and that will be more embarrassment than I think I could handle.

"Gryffindor first years, this way!" A prefect says finally. We all get up and follow him to the dorm rooms.

"The house elves already unpacked your belongings. Have a nice night, don't stay out past curfew if you leave the common room. Don't forget the rules Professor Dumbledore said at the feast. " The prefect says as he leaves the common room. Hermione, Ron, Harry and me all decide to go look around the castle. I said I'd show them around as I'd lived here for the majority of the last 8 years. We lose track of time and soon it is past curfew.

"Why aren't you 4 in your dormitories?" I hear Remus say sternly.

"We were looking around and lost track of time Professor Lupin." Hermione says.

"Is that true?" He asks the rest of us. Harry and Ron nod.

"Alexis?" He prompts.

"Yes! Why in Merlin's name would you not believe Hermione, Remus! Just go away and leave us the F*** ALONE!" I say, yelling the last part. Remus grabs my arm, turns me to the side and swats me 5 good times. I yelp and blush.

"You do not talk to any elder like that again or I will take you straight to Dad. Am I understood?" Remus says to me.

"Yes. I'm sorry. I am just tired. " I say.

"I will escort you back to your dormitory." Remus says. When we get there, I apologize to Remus again and then we all go in and sit on the couches.

"I get spanked when I misbehave. What happens to you guys?" I ask.

"Mom spanks me, my brothers, and Ginny." Ron admits.

"I get spanked or grounded." Hermione says. I can tell something is off, but I don't question it.

"My Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia hit me a lot. It's not like what Professor Lupin did to you though. He punches and kicks me. I still have bruises from the last beating. My rib hurts when I breathe too deeply." Harry admits. We all gasp as he pulls up his shirt. I hear an extra voice go 'oh, no' behind us. I turn to see Sirius.

"Sirius, go get Dad." I say. Sirius quickly leaves to get Dad. By the time he gets back with Dad and Poppy, I am ready to cry. Harry tells us about his life at his aunt and uncles house. We are all nearly in tears.

"Harry I never should have left you with those muggles!" Dad says.

"I would like to take Harry to the infirmary to look at his injuries better." Poppy says. Harry doesn't protest as he is led out the portrait to the infirmary. The second he is out the door, I start crying.

"My life was like that until I turned 9 and Dad adopted me." I manage to explain. Hermione hugs me.

"Do I need to get someone?" Ron asks.

"No. I'm just going to bed." I say. Hermione and I go to the girls dormitory, and I fall asleep straight away.l and have a nightmare free night.

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