Chapter 3 ~Salvatore~

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Quote : "That's the problem with being the strong one. No one offers you a hand. -m. t.

Ruby's POV :

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Ruby's POV :

I arrived at the Boarding house, glad I had finally been released from the hospital. For the past two days, Bonnie, Elena, Caroline and even Matt had came to visit. From what Matt told me, Vicki was attacked the same day I was, but she had lost more blood.

Caroline filled me on on gossip, Elena told me about her and Stefan, and Bonnie told me more about her being a witch, which I think is cool. Who wouldn't want magical powers? Then there's Matt, who brought me my missing schoolwork after he visited Vicki.

I couldn't help but think back to the night I was attacked. Stefan told me it was an animal, but the more I think about it, the more I realize an animal couldn't have done this to me. What kind of animal goes for the neck? And I also remember a guy with black hair and blue eyes.

Of course I told people it was an animal. How ridiculous would I sound if said that it wasn't and it was a person, they would think that I'm crazy.

I pushed away my thoughts and entered my house, surprised to see Stefan sitting on my couch. He turned when he saw me enter and frowned slightly. "What are you doing here?" He asked, standing up. "I could ask you the same thing, seeing that I live here," I retorted.

Before he could say anything else, Zach had came down stairs, looking at the both of us with slight shock. I gave him a questioning look and he scratched the back of his head. "Ruby, this is Stefan. He's your.... um ...... cousin," Zach told me.

My cousin? Zach told me that I my family could have died because they never came back for me, and here I find a stranger who is said to be my cousin! I could feel my own blood boil. I decided to calm myself down and thought of how I had Elena he was hot and it turns out he's my cousin? Gross. I mentally shuddered and turned to face him, giving him a small smile, unsure of what to do.

I decided to be a bit funny and said, "Well, Stefan. As long as you don't eat my Oreos, I don't think that we'll have any problems" causing him to laugh softly.

I walked up stairs and went to my room. I sat down my bag of things and walked into my bathroom, staring at myself in the mirror. I managed to find enough courage to pull back the white bandage and see the damage, I hadn't really seen it. As I swiftly ripped it off, I hissed at the sudden pain. A gasp escaped my lips as I examined my neck. Two perfect puncture wounds rested where the so-called animal attacked me.

My head spun as I brought my hand up to my neck. No animal could have done damage like this. The bite is too clean, too perfect to be one of an animal. I study biology and I know good enough that an animal couldn't of attacked me in the neck and even so animals rip skin off not only bite. I felt my heart pound in my chest as I took it all in. The man from last night reappeared in my thoughts, and I shut my eyes. He attacked me. He bit me. He bit me as if he was....

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