Chapter 23

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Oh my gosh!! Its been so long! I'm so sorry! I've been so busy and sick! Blehhh!! I really hope I can start writing more! So enjoy! Imma try to make this one long and dramatic! I love all of you who still read!


Harry's P.O.V

A rock? Really? A fucking rock? What the hell is wrong with me? I'm so stupid. Why can't I just tell her how I feel? Maybe I shouldn't. It could ruin everything. Or make it better. I don't know. I just need sleep. She's so cute when she's sleeping. Cute? Ugh. There's something wrong with me. I think I need some air.

"Harry?" Shit.

"I'm just getting a little air."

"By yourself?"

"Well yea, unless you want to come with? I thought you were sleeping."

"I'll go and I was a little." she says sitting up.

She's so damn cute. I can't get over it.

"It fucking freezing." She complains sitting up, so I take my jacket off and hand it to her. She's right, its freezing, but I'd rather me be cold than her. Since when did I care? Wow. This girl does things to me that can't even explain, and quite frankly, it scares me.

Leslie and I walk silently down a path in the forest.

"Its so dark." She comments.

I wrap my arm around her hoping it gives her a little sense of safety. She immediately leans into me and stops in her tracks. She turns to face me and silently looks into my eyes for a few moments.

"Thank you."

"For what?" what could she possibly be thanking me for?

"Being here. These past few weeks have been amazing with you. I wish it didn't have to end."

"End?" I know it will eventually but I dont want to think about it.

"I go off to college soon. I don't know if long distance will work."

"Let's not talk about this right now. Lets just enjoy this." I say cupping her cheek in my hand. She brings her lips to mine and goose gumps flash throughout my body. Her lips part from mine. the moment they do, I miss them.

"Did you hear that?" she says with a panicked look on her face.

"Hear what?"

" There's something over there!"

"Its just your imagination."

"Listen. There it is again!" She points towards a small path in the forest.

"I'll go look."

"Be careful." She whines.

I go into the forest, and as I suspect, I see nothing, so I make my way back to the path Leslie and I were just walking on.

Where is she? "Leslie?" I don't get a response and I begin to worry. What if there really was something or some one in the woods and they made it to her? I begin to feel a little panicked and walk back towards the tent to find my phone. The cold air is even colder on my skin while she's not next to me. The tent seems so far away.

"Boo!" Leslie jumps out at me as I get about half way there.

"Holy Shit!" I let out admitting I was scared.

She's cracking up laughing as I try to get my heart rate back to normal.

"That's not funny. You had me worried sick."

"Awh. Whine a little more and see where that gets yah." She teases.

"C'mon." I can't help but chuckle as I wrap my arm around her and head back to the tent.

Leslie cuddles up next to me and this time I have no trouble falling asleep.

"Good morning." I'm awoken but the feel of her soft lips in mine.

"Morning love." I sit up and then remember we're in a tent, not my bedroom.

"What time is it?"

"I'm not sure. my phone died." she responds.

I reach over for my phone, which also has little battery left.

"Its 10:45. and my phones low too. Maybe we should get going. I wouldn't want anything to happen and neither of us have a phone."

She unzips the tent and steps out then grabs the blankets and folds them. I take the tent down and load it in the back of the car. She's already waiting in the car, so I guess its time to go.

"After we get home and shower, we can go out to eat."

She smiles and nods, then places her hand on my leg. My hand goes straight to hers and her other hand turns up the radio. The entire three hour drive is spent exactly like this and its actually quite nice.

When we get home, she showers and then I follow.

"Can we go to Denny's? We missed breakfast and I really want pancakes." She practically begs.

"Sure we can."

"Shit. I don't have my wallet."

"Don't worry about it. I'm paying."

She tries to argue but I cut her off each time.

We sit and eat while talking about anything and everything. Its a peaceful meal, and I wish we could have more of them. I pay and we head back home. Leslie and I sit and cuddle on the couch for a while.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I suggest.

"I was actually thinking of maybe something a little more fun." she teases while climbing on to my lap.

"Oh. Well this works to." I play back before brining her lips to mine. She wraps her arms around my neck and mine around her waist. I bite her bottom lip and she waists no time opening for me. The way we I feel when we kiss gives me a feeling I've never experienced before.

Leslie's hands go to the hem of my shirt and I allow her to slide it off my torso. Then I do the same to her. She pushes her body closer as I lay back onto the couch so all is relaxed. Her hand reach for my belt, but just then I hear the latch on my door. Who the fuck could be in my house?


I really do apologize for this taking so long! We figured out what's wrong so hopefully the treatment will start working soon so I can write more! Have a great night and be safe! Happy Halloween!

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