Chapter 5:

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Leslie's P.O.V

"Leslie Rose! Where have you been?!" My mom shouts as soon as I step into my house.

"I can explain." I tell her motioning for Harry. My mom gives me a confused look then shouts.

"I swear to God Leslie if you were out with some boy while your fam-" Harry steps in and her eyes widen.

"Harry? Look at you!" She chuckles and hugs him.

"You look great Beth." He responds and she smiles. He's always been the one to save my ass. Never fails.

"How long are you here for?" My mom asks Harry still sounding as though she is in shock. "Actually, I uhm I live here now."

I can feel the shock in my face.

"Really? That's great!"

Awkward smiles are exchanged then I decide to break the silence.

"Let's hangout in the den." I tell him leading him over to the stairs. I peek in the dining room to see if anybody is still here.

"They all left. You've been gone for two hours."

"I'll call to apologize later."

Harry and I go upstairs to the den and just kind of hangout. It's actually a little awkward, which I don't like.

"How long have you lived here?"

"About four months."

"Four months and I'm just now hearing from you?!" I can honestly say this kind of pisses me off.

"I'm sorry?" He says and I don't respond.

"You can't honestly be mad at me?"

He looks a little annoyed.

"Yea, I guess. I just wish you would have told me you were back!" I say teasing him. A smile grows back to his face.

"Sorry! Next time I move back from the UK, I'll let you know."

This is the first time I've realized how deep his accent is. He's always had an accent, but now its deeper than ever. After that, we loosen up a little and it isn't so awkward.

We're in the middle of 'Grease' when his phone goes off.

"I'm really sorry, but I've got to go." He announces standing up off the couch.

"Okay, but quit being a stranger! I miss you!"

"I will, promise." He hugs me then takes off.

Harry's P.O.V

Holy shit. I knew Leslie would be good-looking, but not like that. She's gorgeous! The way her blonde hair falls perfectly. Her blue eyes and cute little nose. The way that sundress fell on her curves. I won't even get started on that ass. She's easily doable. Wait what? No, she's my best friend. I cant say that! She is a little more stuck up than before. Its not my job to report to her when I move, but I understand why she would be upset. Who wouldn't wanna see me after more than three years? Her stubbornness is actually hot. I shouldn't be having these thoughts about Leslie, but I honestly can't shake them. I need to get her off my mind. Maybe I'll calm Carly, or Becca? Maybe Jessie. Just somebody I can bang.

* * *

This is terrible. Carly's great, but I still couldn't stop thinking about Less. This isn't normal. I bet I could get Leslie. I know I could. Easy Peasy. Maybe then I could stop thinking like this. That's what I need to do. I need to fuck her. I got this.

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