The Countdown

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Here's my first chapter, hope you like it and please comment and vote. Thanks!

This is real, real, real, real love
This is real, real, real, real love
You give me that feeling, you give me that feeling
You give me that, you give me real love

     I threw my arm out of bed and turned off my radio alarm. Well, I did once I finally found the right button. Usually, I found it a massive struggle to pull myself from the luxurious, comforting, warmth of one of the greatest inventions in the world otherwise known as a bed. Believe me, today was pretty much the same but I had that spark of excitement in me to make it that little bit easier.

     One day left! I'm so excited! I have been waiting for this since I was in year 4...a long time. I'm now 25, 17 years of hoping, believing and working towards my dream, and it's worked, my dream has finally come true.

Tomorrow my bakery is opening. Of course, it's just the beginning and according to one of my close friends more businesses fail in their first year than succeed. No pressure at all? Huh?

But anyway, I am going to work my butt off to make sure mine succeeds. Today, I have a lot to do, I need to run downtown to make sure everything's ready for tomorrow and I need to bake all day so we actually have something to sell.

      I climbed out of bed and trudged down the stairs, my knees clicking in every step. I swear this happens every morning, is it just me?

  I took my frozen fruit out the freezer and started to make my protein shake, if anything wakes me up, it's this. It is so freakin loud, I'm surprised the neighbours don't complain. When I lived with my parents, I don't think they liked it very much because my dad got me some cereal to try, I think it's because he was annoyed of the blender shaking down the house at quarter past seven every morning.

  Once I finished my breakfast, I did my every day routine, changed into my black workout leggings and black work out top, put on some foundation and tied my long brown hair up in a high ponytail.
  I slipped on my trainers, grabbed my phone, keys and water and started jogging to town. I live fairly close to town and had a bit of a head start because the road around the corner is a hill so I can pick up some speed.

   I have always tried to keep in shape, since I was 14 I have always tried my hardest to be healthy and active because I don't want to go back to being chubby. At the moment, I'm working my way to some more prominent abs, thats why I decided to jog to town instead of drive.

   In a quick ten minutes, I was in town. First stop was the bakery. I walked in and everything was in place, I just needed to fill the place with food.
    At the far back, to the right is a tearoom and to the left, there is a serving hatch leading into the kitchen where people can get served. A door from the kitchen leads behind the counter which runs all the way down the left and in the front of the left window, finally, at the front right, there's a few cake stands scattered around.

It's so exciting, tomorrow we will be up and running! Unbelievable.

    After buying some honey for my granola bars and a few more ingredients I need, I speed walked back home. I couldn't exactly run with the shopping now, could I?

   As soon as I got home I put all my ingredients away ran upstairs and jumped in the shower to get rid of all the muckiness and sweat I could feel overtaking my body. I scrubbed myself  with my coconut shower gel and washed my hair with my raspberry conditioner and shampoo. Not having anytime to dry my hair, I threw it up in a messy bun and put my blue sweatpants and black vest top on. Now time to get busy...

    First up is the quick and easy vanilla honey granola bars. I mixed together the honey and vanilla and then mixed them in with the oats. Once they were in the oven, I started on my Victoria sponge cake. It's the traditional English cake and it is simple but I like decorating it and feeling creative and imaginative. Some may think of me as weird.

    Once I had made the glorious cake mixture I put it in the oven and started on the buttercream. Ah, buttercream, I love it. If it was up to me I would make a batch just to eat, but it's so unhealthy. Sad times.

Imagine if unhealthy food was healthy and the healthy food was unhealthy, the whole world would be as skinny as hell!

  After making more cakes (yes more, I have several ovens which I need if I'm working in this industry), I started decorating my Victoria sponge. I cut it in half and put a layer of buttercream, a layer of jam, and a layer of halved strawberries in the middle. I then smothered it in light pink buttercream and put a swirl of strawberry syrup on the top. God, I could eat this right here right now.

   Now the cakes are finished, it's time for the bread. First up is banana bread, I don't really like it myself, but it's very popular with the rest of my family so I'm guessing, well hoping, that it will be with the customers.

Next is my cheese and chive bread, now this, this I am a fan of. It's so nice. Usually I make a loaf and take a bit every time I go in the kitchen.

When all the rest of the bread was finished I had the horrible task. That's right. Cleaning up. The worst part of cooking. First, I washed up all the equipment, then I wiped down the sides and once again I had a clean, sparkling kitchen.

     It was now around 8 O'clock and I didn't have time to cook dinner so I just put two slices of bread under the grill and heated up some spaghetti hoops. Spaghetti on toast, quick, easy and actually quite healthy. Once it was all ready, I settled down on my soft, brown sofa, ready to catch up on this weeks episode of Chicago Fire.

   Omg I love this show and some of the firefighters are actually pretty hot, especially the new guy, Jimmy. Once I had finished that episode it was nearly 10, and knowing how crazy and overwhelming tomorrow is going to be, I decided to go to bed early. Also, I was really tired from the manic day I had today.

As soon as my head hit the pillow, my eyes closed and I was fast asleep. Awaiting the crazy day ahead of me.

Hey guys, thanks for reading my story. I hoped you liked it and please vote,comment and share this story with your friends.

  Also, if you don't know who Jimmy in Chicago Fire is, search him up. Seriously, he is hot. See y'all later.
Han x

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