The Beauty of Mistakes

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This is a poem about how even though us, humans, are a mess, there is still beauty in it.

There is something humans are good taking forth

That is mistakes

Whether it is made by them, or getting involved in

We humans have sure learned some things from them

But we decide to ignore that knowledge

All mistakes have consequences

Onces change your life and forever tie you down

Ones change your life and set you free

We all have been taught the consequences of some mistakes

The problem is those which we are not taught and those who we decide to ignore

Not all mistakes end up the same, even those who fall in a common category

And there is where the beauty lies

Each one of us can decide whether to keep going or forever stop

Each one of us can decide whether to squint and only see the blurry colorless part of the picture in front of your face

Or open your eyes completely and see all the rainbows on top, almost the edge of the picture and the colorless sight they cover

Each one of us can decide whether to make something useful out of it

No matter how small it can seem

Thanks to what mistakes do to us we can all stand up and continue to dance the messy tune of life with a little more firm steps and jumps each time

Even if we do not know what lies at the end of the cliff

We know we can stand up once more and keep dancing

In the end, that is the graceful yet caothic thing we humans have learned

And not decided to ignore.

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