The Definition of Peace Changes Over Time

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This poem talks about how worldwide peace is not quite possible, no matter how pure its intentions are nor how hard we try, it's something impossible for humanity. But peace itself is not impossible for each indivdual.

Peace is something we discover individually

Not as a whole

It is something unique to each one of us

Laughter, silence, stillness, continuity, company

We all have a different way to find peace

There is not a way to make every single human to agree

And to find 'peace as a whole every man, woman, boy and girl neet to agree by heart

Even if the cause is good it can have wrong solutions with correct ideas and even when it has been carefully supervised to benefit all

There will always be one who opposes and decides to swim against the artificial current

That one will always persuade antother one and so on until living under the so "peaceful" state no longer becomes so, as much as it feels a "dorment" state which then grows to become unbearabe

And so the people jump out of their beds and run like wild horses

Chaos is unleashed once more

Differet definitions of peace arrive after the natural storm has settled with satisfaction towards the "evil" it has overcome.

So it begins once more and the generations are born into an "updated" definition of peace

And so they will patiently wait until someone else has a new one

Then humanity's true nature will unfold once more, at first slowly, but always surely

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