Part 9 - Tiny Bubbles of Love...

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Rishi walked to his home, and smiled all the way. He had always liked Ananya, but never knew he would ever be able to tell her. And he was happy he had been honest. He did not want to pretend friendship and then gain confidence and break the reality to her. Because he felt it was a kind of cheating. 

Ananya also really appreciated Rishi for his honesty. What she liked was, he did not beat around the bush. He loved her and said it without any pretense or expectation. Also, he clearly said, that if Ananya did not love him, she should not keep him hanging on the friendship rope! Most boys will do anything to stay around a girl, even if it means cheating. Rishi could have easily used the friendship bait, and gone on. This would have given him the liberty to move around with Ananya, and he could have tried to impress then, but he had a proper value system in place, and he did not think twice before speaking his mind. If not for anything else, Ananya liked Rishi for his straightforwardness. 

As soon as she got home, and her mother saw her smiling, she asked "Ananya, you seem very happy... What is the matter?"

Ananya immediately stopped smiling, and said, "nothing really.. we friends had gone out today... and it was fun...". 

She went to her room, and changed into her regular clothes. She was about to sit for some studies, and the phone rang. She immediately took the call. She was half wishing for it to be Rishi. 

It was Vishesh. "Anu...?" he said... Ananya was tad disappointed because it wasn't Rishi. "Oh, Vishu... Tell me..." 

Vishesh sensed her disappointment.. "I am sorry to disturb you, but I wanted to say something. Please talk to me..."

"Yes tell me...I am listening.." she said.

"I read your letter.. I am thankful for your honesty. And I must confess, I am super jealous of Rishi... Lucky him.. Did you have fun?"he asked, genuinely wishing she did.

"Yes Vishu it was fun. He is a good guy... Very honest. I like him..." she was truthful. 

"That is really nice.. Anu, I am sorry, you may feel this entire week's events were all planned.. You may think I first approached you as a friend and then moved slowly on to hugging and all that. But trust me, I went with the flow. It was not planned. That I liked you always, and that I will always like you, is the truth. But it is your choice whether to believe me or not.."he said simply.

"Vishu... please let us not keep talking about that same thing over and over again now.. leave it. You said you love me.. Now give me time to reflect upon and see what my heart says...okay?"she sounded a little irritated. 

"Okay Anu. Sorry I bugged you.. Just one more thing... No matter what you decide.. remember, in life, if and when you need a shoulder to cry on, you need an ear to listen, you need a friend to hug, I will always be just a call away..." He waited for her response. 

Ananya liked what she heard, and nodded but said nothing. 

Vishesh thought she was not interested.. Yet he spoke, "And more thing... Love is love...whether you love me or not, I won't force you or try to influence. But keep our friendship alive... I hope you and I will always remain friends who can rely on each other and talk any nonsense at any given point in time.. Okay?"

Ananya soaked it in, and acknowledged with a "Hmmm.."

"Anu, I won't call you or bother you till you call me... But one last thing.. Promise, I won't say anything after this... But please hear me out, on this too..." He continued without waiting for her response, "Anu, I only wish you stay happy and find true love in your life. Even if it means, I am not there in your life... Whoever you love, I will pray for your happiness... And I hope that person loves you more than I do..."

Ananya was just moved by all that he said. Even before she could react, she heard the phone line click. He had hung up, as promised. 

Ananya sat down, and thought deeply. 

Suddenly she was overwhelmed with emotion. Here were two boys. Both were in her life for a short period of time. Both had expressed their emotions for her. One had chosen a longer route, one took the straight road and came straight to the point. One was sure he either wanted all or nothing... One had promised to bless her even if she gave him nothing.. One was in love with her, and did not want to force her... One was in love with her, but wished she found her true love... 

She was genuinely confused. She was moved by Vishu's words. Yet she was attracted to Rishi! She was at a strange spot in her life. 

The feeling of happiness she felt when she thought of Rishi, made her feel she loved him. At the same time, when she thought of Vishesh, she felt a strange sense of security. That made her feel, she loved him too... 

She sat there wondering, could she be in love with both of them, simultaneously, at the same time? She felt like she was doing something wrong.. but she could not decide what it was. She decided to take it slow. She told herself, she cannot go on keeping them both hung, she had to decide and decide soon. She had to free either of them, and herself too... So, finally she was in love.. Only she did not know, with whom!

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