Part 4 - Hugs can never go wrong!

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The fourth day was Greeting Card day. While most love-birds spent huge monies on and exchanged greeting cards, from a small key-chain sized one to those life sized cards, there were people like Vishesh who would spend their entire night making a greeting card with their own hand, for their someone special. 

The next morning, Ananya walked into the campus. She had been upset the whole day yesterday, so this morning she walked in without looking out for Vishesh. 

Vishesh came right in front of her, and stood. He handed her a small, mini card. "Sorry Dearest Anu" was all that was written. 

She took the card, and started walking. "Anu... I am sorry man! Don't walk away just like that.. Say something.." he pleaded. 

"Anything I say comes back in a wrong way.. I don't like it, Vishesh..."she said. 

"Vishesh? Please don't call me like that. It feels like you are slapping me.. Vishu is good... Please Anu. Don't mistake me or my intentions. I know most boys are like that. But I really love spending time with you. Though I have been late, now I don't want to waste it away in some stupid misunderstandings. You are not comfortable with my jokes, I won't crack them. You don't want to hug me, then don't. Your hugs on paper will do for me. But trust me, you are too innocent. Hugging and kissing as friends is absolutely normal, ask anyone you trust. You need not, that's a different story Anu!" he said, and relaxed a little. 

Ananya also relaxed a little. "I know its common, but I am not comfortable.. And I am not innocent, I am just clear in my mind." she said.

"Okay fine you are not innocent.. You are clear, okay? Happy?" he half-smiled and looked at Ananya. 

She nodded and smiled too. He took out another card now, "For a very dear friend.." and it read some meaningful lines on friendship. She accepted that. They started walking towards the class, and again he stopped... "Anu..." he called out and handed her the third card, "You are not a friend, you are more than that... you are someone special. And will always be..." After reading this, Ananya was touched, and silent for a while. She liked the entire gesture. He had made this card himself. He had written in simple heartfelt language. It touched her. 

"Ohh... I didn't know I was special... But if you say so, I believe you.." she said. They smiled at each other, and walked into the class. Today, Vishesh sat on a desk, and extended his hand to signal her to sit next to him. She sat next to him. 

She pulled out her note book and tore a big piece of paper.. She initiated the conversation. "So, define someone special..."

"Well.. you are not a friend.. you are more than that. You are not a lover, a little less than that. So, someone special.. convinced?" he wrote back. 

"Aaah I see.. I am glad I am not your friend, but something more.. But when you say I am not your lover, I am feeling sad... Why?" and she pouted as if to show she was sad. 

He smiled, and pulled the chit and wrote behind, "Wow.. that's a good sign... Should i call you my lover then?"He winked at her. 

"No! I am definitely not willing to get into all these things. But really, I felt a little pinched reading that line.." she was being frank. 

"Okay...take a hug from me. You will feel better, I promise."He looked at her. 

"Fine, give me a hug then.." she wrote on another chit. 

He scribbled an 'X'and showed her.... She pulled it quickly and said, "that's all?" and showed her disappointment. 

He drew a big X and showed her. She shook her head as if to say no. He drew many X's and showed her... She again refused to accept. He drew X and wrote 'Infinity'. She tore another chit and wrote, "Not enough boss... Need a real hug...NOW!"

He stared at her, disbelievingly. He read it again. He looked at her again. She was smiling and nodding to say yes. He quickly got up, and excused himself from the class citing the reason as nature's call, and the professor allowed. Ananya got up and cited the loo reason too, and walked out of the class, giggling, looking at Vishesh standing there. 

"You serious, Anu? You want a hug?" he asked her. She nodded fervently...."Yes, yes, yes..."

"Okay don't get upset later.. It's you who is clear in your mind and asking me to hug.. Right?" he asked again. 

She just put her palm on his wrist and pulled him into the adjacent classroom. It was unoccupied. She looked at him, and said, "Okay.. hug me.. I am sad..." all the while smiling though. 

He went close and hugged her. It was a very awkward hug, at first. But she did not mind his touch one bit, so he hugged her fiercely and tight. She hugged him back... 

Vishesh was already in love with this girl... Ananya was relishing the warmth of a friend's hug. She was indeed a child, an innocent child. "Thank you Vishu... It feels great... I have never hugged anyone.. Not even my mom. This feels awesome." She suddenly remembered a recent movie she had watched.. MunnaBhai MBBS, where Sanjay Dutt kept offering everyone "JAADU KI JHAPPI". Now she knew why hug was the best medicine for all problems.. A hug could just never go wrong after all... 

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