Part 1

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"Alright class to finish off the lesson..."The teachers voice played on in the background.

Tiki didn't know what to do as she sat in Marionettes purse bored out of her mind. She had given up on trying to talk to Plagg because he was to busy eating his disgusting cheese in Adrien's bag.

Before you ask questions. Yes. Tiki knows Adrien is ChatNoir, just like Plagg knows Marionettes is LadyBug. The only reason they know is because they can sense each other's  presence. They've known about the identities of Paris's superheroes since day one, they simply never told their masters because they never needed to know. When the time was right both Kwamis would introduce their masters to their masked partner.

Tiki was on the brink of death by boredom when she heard a familiar whisper come from the top of Marionettes bag.

Plagg she thought happily.

Using her Kwami powers she stuck her head out of the bag and motioned for him to come inside. He did as she implied and the first words that came out of his mouth were

"Do you have any camembert?"

"That's the first thing can come up with?" She replied

"I'm hungry"he complained

"Doesn't Adrien have some in his bag?"

Plagg sent her his best attempt of puppy eyes, but for a Kwami who gives cat-like abilities, it wasn't working to well.

"I'm not going to check for you." Tiki informed

He didn't give a response. He simply kept giving her, his best 'baby doll eyes'.

"Fine"she huffed finally giving up. "But Plagg couldn't you come with me?"

"If you want company when you get back then no I can't."

She signed knowing she wasn't getting anywhere with this argument. As much as she loved Plagg he was the most stubborn being she could ever meet.

She flew out of the side of the bag (being a Kwami has its perks) and as fast as she could into Adrien's.

Instantly she was hit with the smell of camembert so she knew it was in there somewhere. She pushed aside a few books and his phone, some pencils and pens until she finally found the smallest slice of the disgusting cheese beside a math book. She picked up the piece and got ready to fly back over to Plagg when something happened.

The bag was moving.

Class was over everyone was heading home.

And Plagg was in Marionettes bag.

Tiki was in Adrian's bag.

Could the situation get any worse?

I know that was a super short chapter but if I make it long like my stories usually are then the whole story will be done with one chapter and I don't want that so yah

Also this is my first attempt at fanfic it is for Miraculous LadyBug if you couldn't tell. I'm gonna try my best at this so comment telling me what you think cause I wanna improve my writing as best I can and yah.




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