Part 8

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"This is it" ladybug told him and raised her hand to knock on the door

"Wait Ladybug" Chat said and grabbed her hand "why won't you tell me your identity? We've trusted each other with our lives hundreds of times before. Why is an identity so difficult?"

"Chat I want to tell you but... I don't want to risk hurting you. Under my mask I'm a clumsy fool. I don't have my priorities straight and I don't even know how I've survived being both myself and Ladybug for this long. I don't want to disappoint you, but at the same time I want to take the risk." She answered honestly

"Ladybug I promise you, no matter who or what you are under that mask, I could never be disappointed. Your to perfect for that" he put his hands on her shoulder and raised her lowered head with a gentle hand "your not ready to show me who you are but one day you will be and when that day comes, I'll be right here waiting. I promise you that"

She felt relieved to hear that but at the same time worried.

"Thanks Chat. Your right but right now we have to save our Kwamis."she told him. He let go of her shoulders and chin and she turned to knock on the door.

A little man appeared at the entrance and instantly he said "Ladybug, and ChatNoir I've been expecting you come in" he opened the door enough for them to walk in and they did.

"Please sir, can you help them?" Ladybug said taking Tiki out of her bag. Chat followed and brought out Plagg

"I hope you two have learned your lesson" he said to the Kwamis and they gave him weak nodes.

"Lie them down on the mat" the man instructed the two did as he asked and laid the Kwamis down beside each other.

The man raised his hands over the Kwamis and startedchanting something they didn't understand.

The two of them sat down beside the mat and when Tiki started coughing Ladybug grabbed Chats hand in fear. He gave her a reassuring squeeze and she relaxed a bit.

When the treatment was done the two Kwamis eyes fluttered open and Plagg flew straight up to Chat

"Plagg!" he cried and held the creature to his face.

Ladybug had the same reaction with Tiki as they sat there and hugged their Kwamis.

"Thank you sir" Ladybug told the healer

"My pleasure Ladybug" he said with a bow "might I suggest transforming into your actual miraculous just to finish off the treatment?"

"Yah sure"Plagg said

"Okay" Tiki agreed

That's when Ladybug and Chat stood up and at the same time said their transformation words

"Tiki spots on!" ladybug cried

"Plagg, Claws out!" Chat said

The two transformed into their superhero selves and felt instantly at home.

What did they transform into?????




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