Part 5

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Marionette had no idea what to wear tonight.

Cliché right?

"Will you please pick something so we can go?" Plagg begged

"Plagg I still have a few hours before I have to meet Chat. Besides I need to wear something so that he knows it's me." She responded

She was about to give up on looking through her closet when she spotted an old t-shirt.

"This is perfect!". She said pulling it out. The shirt was red with black spots so Chat would know it was LadyBug wearing the shirt. The problem was it was twenty sizes too big.

"Marionette I might be going out on a limb, but I don't think that will fit you" Plagg said from behind her.

"I know Plagg, I'm gonna fix it up a bit"

She brought the shirt to her sewing machine and realized she was out of red string

"Well great" she said "I need to run and get some string quickly, come on Plagg"

Marionette didn't know what had happened but Plagg looked sick, like he had caught some kind of bug.

"Plagg are you alright?"she said to him. He was lying on her desk beside the sewing machine.

"I think transforming using the earnings is making me sick" he announced

"I'll get you some camembert, that might make you feel better. Then I'll go and get the string and we can go meet Chat. He would know what to do."

And that's exactly what she did.
"Tiki you don't look to good" Adrien said to the sick looking Kwami on his desk

"I think transforming with the ring has taken its toll" she told him

"We have to wait for Fathers seamstress to finish the sweater, then we can go and get LadyBug she'll know what to do" Adrien told her "you just have to hold tight for a few more hours"

"I fear I'm not the only one who has to 'hold tight'." She told him attempting to sit up

"What do you mean?"

"Ladybug transformed using Plagg, I think he might be going through the same sickness"

"What can we do?"

"We must wait for Ladybug. She knows a healer that's helped us before"

Adrien nodded taking in that information

"Then we need to get to Ladybug as soon as we can"
Marionette ran as fast as her legs would take her to the sewing store. Plagg was in her purse getting worse by the minute.

She ran into the store and grabbed the red string as fast as she could. She payed and ran out, bumping into someone on the way.

"Hey watch were your going!" Chloe called

"I'm sorry Chloe I was just in a hurry" she responded

"In a hurry to do what? Catch the loser train back home?" She gave her signature laugh making Marionettes blood boil

"Hey!" a voice called from the other side of the building. Alya was walking to the group with fury in her expression

"Oh Sabrina look!" Chloe said talking to her best friend "she's gonna get mad and post about it on her stupid blog!"

"Come on"Alya said grabbing Marionettes hand. She pulled Marionette to the next block over, they weren't to far from her house.

"Thanks Alya. I needed a save there but right now I really have to go" she said and ran off tripping on her way.

Alya rushed over and helped her up "No sweat girl. I've got to go meet Nino anyways, call me later Kay?"

Marionette sent her a smile and nodded, quickly turing around and running off.




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