Part 6

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By the time the seamstress had finished Adrien's hood, he only had an hour before he had to meet LadyBug.

He threw on a black t-shirt and sweatpants and a pair of bright green high tops. He had a pair of black and green gloves and the sweater he had been given was perfect. It was black with a few green accents and cat ears sewn into the hood. Not to be recognized, Adrien took some black face paint and smudged it over his eyes and forehead, to act like a mask.

He looked in the mirror and liked the outfit. He wouldn't be recognized as Chat or Adrien.

"Perfect" Tiki said weakly from the desk.

"Don't worry Tiki" Adrien told her "it won't be much longer before LadyBug comes and we can go to the healers"

She nodded and let out a small cough. Adrien picked up the small Kwami in his hands and gently put her in his pocket.

After that he went out the window and towards the meeting spot.
Adrien/Chat was surprised to say the least when he found their meeting spot actually quit busy.

Lila or Volpina must've overheard their conversation and told everyone to meet there.

He recognized a few people in the crowd, Alya was there dressed as Lady wifi, Nino was there as the bubbler, Chloe as Anitbug, Nathaniel as the Evilustrator, Kim as Dark Cupid, Sabrina was wearing a white catsuit (probably being and anti-Chat) and finally Lila was dressed as Volpina. Each of them however had taken a different approach with their costume and made them look more hip, like it was some giant evil dance off or something. The only thing that made this difficult was that every here and there was a person dressed as Ladybug or Chat noir. Chats hope to finding Ladybug was slim.

On the stairwell leading to the party was a girl wearing a ladybug outfit. She looked really good in it to, her shirt was a crop top with a ladybug pattern and she wore black sweat pants with red accents. Her hair was dark like the night and her eyes were being hidden behind red face paint. She wore a red cap and gloves. Something about her just stuck out to Chat, and he didn't know what.

He walked down the stairs and kept his eyes peeled for ladybug. But with twenty ladybug wannabes walking around it was difficult. But that's when Nino went onto the stage and saved him.

Nino started fiddling with the Music until some loud heavy metal started playing.

People started dancing and the party began, making it look awesome and as tempted as he was to join he had to save Tiki first

All but two ladybugs were dancing and one of them was talking to Alya. She was the one Chat had seen on the stairs leading down here but why would she be talking to Alya?

He walked over to two girls deciding he'd rather start with the girl he suspected rather then the one on her phone.

"Care for a dance Milady?" He asked the ladybug.

Alya shoved her and she fell into Chat who caught her no problem.

"Y-yah. Sure" the Ladybug stuttered taking his hand.

They walked to the dance floor when the music changed to something a bit easier to dance to. The two of them started dancing like they had been practicing the routine for years. People started circling around them but neither of them cared.

Eventually the song came to an end and Chat held his Ladybug in his arms.

"Chat" she announced breathlessly knowing it was him. "We need to save the Kwamis"




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