Part 3

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"I can't believe you only eat camembert" Marionette complained

"I can't believe you have a crush on Adrien" Plagg responded

"How do you know who Adrien is?" Marionette asked him.

"It's my job to know, besides haven't you and CatNoir saved him a couple times?" Plagg said trying to cover his tracks.

He had her there.

Marionettes computer screen had been playing the local news and she looked over for a quick glance only to see that Volpina was back...

And that someone with a ladybug costume was after her.

"Plagg is there anyway I can transform? We need to stop Volpina" she said starting to panic.

"If you transform something might happen and then we'll all be in trouble." He told her

She looked at the screen and inspected the imposter. He seemed so familiar to her but she didn't know why.

"Woah is that Ad- I mean ChatNoir?" Plagg said flying in front of the screen.

That's when it hit her. "Plagg that is ChatNoir! And he's got Tiki! We have to transform maybe we can meet him and switch kwamis, then we can defeat Volpina and everything will be back to normal!"

"There's one problem with that" Plagg informed her "if you switch Kwamis that means you'll learn the identity of ChatNoir and he'll learn yours. Are you sure your up for that?"

She hadn't thought of that but... Tiki needed her as did ChatNoir. Besides she had trusted Chat with her life many times before, if she couldn't trust him with her identity then she couldn't trust anyone.

"That's a risk I'm willing to take" she mumbled "Plagg what do I have to say to transform?"

" 'claws out' but don't say I didn't warn you"

"Plagg Claws Out!" She cried

And her transformation was strange to say the least
Adrian hadn't expected to be turned into LadyBug

Well he was Ladybug ish

His usual black suit was now red with black spots and he didn't have his ears or tale anymore. He kept his mask solid black and the gloves and boots were the same. He had ladybugs yo yo instead of his stick and he felt strange to say the least.

"Volpina!" He yelled at the fox.

She was standing at the top of the school with fury in her eyes

"Who are you? Your not LadyBug!"

"LadyBug and I..." He paused "well we've caught a bug"

"ChatNoir?" She laughed

"Don't forget about the real LadyBug!" A voice called from behind Chat.

It was a girl with hair dark as night and blue bell eyes

"LadyBug?" Chat asked

She was wearing a black suit and had cat ears and a tail, the only difference was her eyes were completely blue instead of green.

"Sorry Chat" she told him "but we have to go. If we switch Kwamis now then we can defeat her"

Volpina was listening to LadyBugs words with interest, and Chat knew it.

"Come with me" Ladybug ordered

She used Chats stick and jumped to the top of the building, using LadyBugs yo yo Chat followed.

What will happen next?????

Mu ha ha ha ha




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