Chapter 2

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Emma woke with a start, hearing a loud clanging against the bars of her cell. The woman squinted and looked around, still half-asleep. The clanging became louder, and she realized she was in the Enchanted Forest. "So it wasn't a dream." She thought, absent-mindedly touching her lips. She could still taste Regina on her mouth, smell her unique scent. "Stand and address your Queen!" A guard yelled, hitting the metal bars with his sword.

Emma rolled her eyes and stood, raising her arm to kill the peasant. But her mind wouldn't cooperate. It was as if a wall was blocking her mentally. The cell door slammed open and Regina entered. Emma glanced down to see the magic-restraining bracelet on her arm. "Shit. I forgot she used the dagger to take away my power." The blonde groaned inwardly. "Making yourself at home, I see." The Queen spoke up.

The Dark One said nothing, glaring at the older woman. "I hope you don't mind your new accessory. But I needed to be sure you weren't a threat to me."

"What do you want?" Emma growled. "I have something very special in mind for you, Dark One. But first, you need to be properly trained." The Queen snapped her fingers and the two women were engulfed in purple smoke and poofed to her bedroom.

Emma found her wrists shackled above her as the rest of her body was pinned to the wall. "Now that's more like it." Regina's eyes lit up with hunger as she skimmed a single finger along the smooth leather, humming appreciatively. The younger woman flinched as the Queen slipped her hand beneath the jacket, pressing against her bare stomach with her ice cold hand.

"Very nice." She purred, scratching lightly as she pulled away. Emma watched as she pulled her heart from the shelf and held it in her hand. "You see Miss Swan, in order for you to be successful in completing my mission you need to know your place. I can tell you aren't going to do this willingly, so I thought I would cut to the chase."

Emma cried out in pain and her body stiffened as Regina squeezed the black heart tightly. Then she stopped, studying her. Emma panted and fought to catch her breath. Before she could, the Queen was squeezing it again. It felt like hours had gone by, but in reality it was only a few minutes. Regina would squeeze it and then stop, never allowing the blonde to recover.

Finally, she put the heart back and allowed the woman to rest. Beads of sweat littered the Dark One's forehead, her arms ached from the shackles, and she felt as if she were going to pass out from sheer exhaustion. "Oh come now, pet." Regina lifted her chin up with a single finger. "We were just starting to have fun."

Emma looked up and pitifully stared at the Queen. "If you're going to kill me, just do it. I don't have much to live for as it is. There's not many perks to being the Dark One, unless fear and rejection are your ideas of living." She spoke. Regina stepped back and with a wave of her hand she took off the restraints.

The blonde crumpled to the floor, her muscles feeling as if they were on fire. The older woman had her back turned to her, and Emma saw the perfect opportunity to strike. "You know, for the being that holds all evil you sure are weak." Regina commented. Emma lunged forward and tackled the Queen to the ground.

Regina might have more power, but Emma outweighed her in strength significantly. The woman gasped as the blonde pinned her face down on the ground. Emma grabbed Regina's hand within her own and pried the restraining bracelet off of her wrist before putting it on her and scratching her across the face. The cuts began to bleed and Emma used the blood to open up the box that held her heart.

The Queen didn't even have time to react as it all happened in a matter of seconds. She was still laying disoriented on the ground as Emma shoved her heart back in and re-pocketed the dagger. "What did you say about me being weak again?" The blonde looked down at the pale-faced woman.

As the older woman regained her strength and climbed to her feet, Emma was surprised to see a smirk on her face. "You got me." Regina stepped forward confidently. The Dark One held her ground, eyeing her suspiciously. "Now what are you going to do with me?" The brunette asked, eyes widening in mock innocence.

Emma swore the woman was trying to seduce her. The way she walked, jutting out her chest even further. How she licked her lips and smiled sweetly. "Holy shit." The blonde's eyes widened as Regina slipped the dress off with ease before taking the lace ribbon of her corset and tugged with her teeth until that too joined her dress in a pile on the floor.

It took all the strength the Dark One had not to grab the woman and fuck her senseless until she was screaming her name. But the rational part of her brain knew that this was a trick. It was as if her eyes were glued to Regina only, and she swallowed as her throat suddenly felt very dry. The Queen was now stripped down to the very last layer of clothing, matching bra and panties.

To her horror (or delight) Regina had started to touch herself, one hand on her breasts, the other down the front of her underwear. "Enough!" Emma waved her hand and the Queen was once again fully dressed. "Weren't you enjoying the show, Miss Swan?" Regina asked. "I'm not interested in whores." Emma answered smoothly.

The older woman clenched her teeth and the vein in her forehead looked as if it would burst at any moment. Emma forced herself to remain neutral, despite wanting very badly to smile at the moment. She knew she had hit a nerve. "Look, Regina, I don't want to fight." The Queen stiffened at the informal use of her name. "I'm not from your land. I'm just looking for a way back home."

Regina's face softened, and she slowly nodded. "Can we just pause for a second instead of fighting?" Emma asked. When she didn't get a response, she gently grabbed the woman's arm and took off the bracelet before healing the scratches on her face. She let her hand linger for just a few seconds longer than she needed to.

"Okay, Miss Swan. Let's have ourselves a little chat." Regina gestured for the blonde to sit down on one of the chairs in front of the fireplace. Emma contemplated staying put, but she knew deep down that there was some goodness in the Queen. So she obliged. Regina left the room and returned a few moments later with a tray of tea.

Emma gave her a small smile as the woman handed her a cup. "What kind is this?"

"Lavender and chamomile. It's often reserved for royals, not peasants. So you should consider yourself extremely lucky you're still alive to enjoy my company."

"Ouch." Emma thought. She did deserve it though, seeing as she called the woman a whore. "You weren't wrong about that." The little voice in her head commented. Emma quickly drank the little cup, distracting herself. "Would you care for another cup?" Regina asked. Emma's eyes narrowed in suspicion. The Queen was being rather friendly considering she had just attacked her.

The room suddenly spun around her and she dropped the cup. It shattered to the ground but Emma barely heard it apart from the ringing in her ears. Regina's fake demeanor vanished, and the evil glint in her eye returned. The blonde grasped desperately at the fabric of the chair, seeing dark spots cloud her vision. The bitch actually drugged her.

She shouldn't be so surprised. She should never have let her guard down. The stupid part of her believed this woman was like the Regina in Storybrooke. "Wrong move." The voice inside her head hissed. The Queen stood above her as her body slumped back into the chair, her limbs useless. Then she leaned down and gently pressed her lips against Emma's. "Sleep tight, my Swan. Because this is going to be the last good night of sleep you are going to have." Regina growled right before the blonde passed out.

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