Chapter 9

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Emma awoke on the cold ground. Looking around, she realized that she was no longer in the cozy cottage in Regina's arms. No, she was in the Queen's castle, chained to the wall with a familiar glittering collar around her neck. "About time. I was starting to think I put a little too much fairy dust in that tea." The Queen stood above her, frowning down at the woman. "Regina." Emma spoke.

Then she felt that familiar aching pain in her chest. She looked up to see the woman holding her dark heart. She never escaped from the castle. It was all a vivid hallucination brought on by the tea that Regina had given her. The Queen had never declared her love for her, she hadn't asked her to stay. Emma hadn't met Snow White and tried to outrun the guards.

No marriage, no light magic, no honeymoon. The Queen still hated her with every inch of her being. She was surprised to feel an odd satisfaction that put a smile on her face. She was still the Dark One. And now, she was going to give into her urges. "No one attacks me and gets away with it." Regina growled, putting her heart back in its box.

"I guess you're going to have to punish me then." Emma said. The Queen turned to face her, an almost amused expression on her face. "Is that so? How do you propose I do that?"

Emma squirmed with excitement. "How do you usually punish your subjects?" She asked, a hint of fear in her voice. "With a whip and a steady hand." Regina answered. "Like hell if I'm going to submit to that." Emma growled. Her body was becoming increasingly aroused at the thought but if she was going to be stuck here for a while longer, she was going to have some fun.

"Oh, I don't plan on treating you just like a regular subject, Dark One. Not after you had the audacity to try and overpower me in my own palace." The Queen sneered. The next thing Emma knew, her arms were chained above her head and she was naked, standing on the stone floor. "My subjects were never this enticing, however. Oh yes. I'm going to enjoy punishing you, dear." Regina purred.

Emma heard a loud crack, and she felt the air move close to her ear. She attempted to twist her body to see what it was, but then felt a sharp stinging pain on her back. A cry of pain filled the silence in the room, and she heard Regina chuckle. "I thought you weren't going to whip me." The blonde gasped, her body humming with excitement.

"I said I wasn't going to treat you like one of my subjects. I have never whipped them. Not physically, but rather emotionally into submission. I figured you were going to need extra help." Regina answered. Another lash that hit her lower back. Then three in a row, going farther down her body and leaving welts on her pale skin. Each lash of the whip caused Emma to scream louder.

The Queen finally paused, running her hand down the blonde's body. "It seems like someone is enjoying their punishment." She said softly, touching her heated core. Emma bit back a moan of pleasure, wincing at the nails raking down her back and over her ass before settling in between her legs. "Perhaps we should try something different."

The brunette walked in front of Emma, conjuring a wooden paddle into her hands. The blonde gulped, trying to hide her fear. The Queen grinned, seeing right through her. She slowly made her way behind Emma again. The young woman tried to brace herself, but before she could take a breath the paddle was hitting her ass.

She blinked back tears, and as the paddle hit her over and over she howled in pain. Her climax was rapidly building, and she was surprised she could get off from just a paddling. The last hit sent her over the edge, and she broke down in tears. Regina freed her from the restraints, and she fell to the floor.

The older woman held her in her arms, stroking her hair. "You're okay, Emma." She comforted her. A bright light surrounded them and Emma soon realized she was back in Storybrooke. Only Regina was here too. "How is this possible?" The blonde hiccupped, wiping her eyes. "Emma." Regina forced her chin up to look at her.

The woman was dressed in her pantsuit and she looked just as she did when Emma sacrificed herself. "What the hell?" Emma pulled away from her. "When you were taken by the darkness, it consumed me too. It sent us both back to the past. I found myself the Evil Queen again, and I loved it. I gave into my own impulses and tortured you."

"Why would you do that?" Emma whimpered, feeling betrayed. "Do you remember what happened on our honeymoon? You sure enjoyed it then." Regina asked, her voice darkening but the playfulness in her eyes remained. "That- that wasn't real. You drugged me." The blonde said. She was more than confused. The darkness consumed them both? The Evil Queen was her Regina all along?

"Fairy dust, dear. It gives those who use it visions of the future while keeping them subdued. I mixed some with my own tea as soon as I realized where I was before going out to find you." Regina explained. "So you pretended not to know me. You tortured me for your own twisted amusement?!" Emma spat. "All in good fun, Emma. I was giving into my dark urges, as you would have eventually."

"Why did you even give me the fairy dust? Why would you take it?" The blonde demanded. Regina leaned forward and grabbed her chin. "Because I had been itching to punish you from the moment you set foot in Storybrooke. I realized I loved you, and I needed to see if you felt the same way. I saw an opportunity, and I took it. Your vision of the future ended the same as mine did. You love me, Emma Swan."

Emma stood up, seething with anger. "I sacrificed myself for you. I took on the darkness; I was going to find my back to you! And all along you were just messing with my mind for fun! How dare you!"

A street lamp bulb burst, sparking along the power line. Emma suddenly realized that this would be the perfect time to get her revenge while she still had dark magic. I think it's my turn to punish you, your majesty." Emma stepped forward towards the older woman. "I was hoping you would say that." Regina grinned and kissed her. Maybe there were perks to being the Dark One after all.

I really hope you enjoyed this story! Reviews and votes are greatly appreciated, and I'm always open for suggestions. Much love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2016 ⏰

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