New start

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Some days you want to just cuddle up and watch Netflix and just take a breather from everything happening around you, but unfortunately that's not possible with my mum around, first day of school...yay yet another place where I go get my ass beat sooo what should I wear.....?

Hair - frizzy bed head

Outfit -simple jeans and a white tank top

Shoes - worn out converse

Makeup - nope.

Your probably wandering wtf is up with her dress sense, first impressions count

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Your probably wandering wtf is up with her dress sense, first impressions count.. Well not on my watch I have tried time after time for 17 years and every time I get called worthless, trash, ugly so honestly I don't give a shit anymore I'm done with crying myself to sleep every night, I just have to accept that this is my life.

Okay enough with this shit what time is it ?...cell phone ....cell phone ..SHIT......ah there it's already 7.30 if I don't leave now I'm going to be late, hey don't judge I still want to make good impressions to my first class.
8.05 and the bell rang, I was rushing to my first class keeping my head down avoiding contact when I bumped into a hard chest

"Hey watch it you whore" he yelled at me now everybody was looking our way
"Stay outta my way bitch and there will be no problem here" he spat. Thats it I've had enough of this life, time to step it up a notch.

"Look I don't know who you are pretty boy but maybe you should watch were your going instead of dreaming about your stupid whores and eye raping every fucking girl you see,alright?" I said instantly regretting what I said

He paused in his tracks "excuse me?" He questioned I stayed silent. "That's right bitch,now watch your mouth okay you don't want to get hurt now do you?" I shook my head no "too late you piece of trash" he screamed inches away from my face. I pinched my eyes closed and felt a sharp pain in my stomach and opened my eyes and saw him punching me, he walked off sniggering and left me in the now Empty halls curling up and crying.

I was gaining looks from everyone and whispering, I saw a group laughing at me and spotted Justin in that group so I'm guessing that's the popular group, they were all whores by the look of them with they're shirts unbuttoned and showing as much cleavage as possible I mentally gagged and saw one of them coming up to me she was blonde and was making out with Justin a few minutes ago, she came towards me and stopped me in my tracks
"Hey you,yeah the fat one, I wanna have a word with you" she said with her strong accent "listen, stay away from my Justy ok, he's mine only mine motherfucker" and with that she waddled off and stuck her tongue down his throat....again

"What a great day so far"I thought and walked to my class, luckily for me I'm in every class with Justin,great.
"Alright class we have a new comer into our school so please welcome her warmly" my new teacher smiled she seems nice I thought "okay so there's one spare seat next to Mr.Bieber,raise your hand Bieber please" he winked at me and raised his hand, I went to go sit down next to him and placed my books down, I could sense I was being watched so I glanced at Bieber who was eye raping me he coughed for my attention once I turned away and gave me a cold stare "don't EVER look at me again,understand Brookes?" ( A/N Brookes is her last name) He whisper yelled I nodded and continued listening to whatever shit the teacher was on about. I could hear laughing beside me and saw Justin and his friends looking at me laughing while Justin was whispering in their ears, he caught me looking and glared at me, he raised his hand and asked if he could be excused with me, weirdly enough the teacher agreed.. Fuck he took me by my wrist and dragged me out of the classroom and into the hall way, he pressed my back against the lockers and told me to keep my hands up, I did as told not wanting to earn another beating. He took a deep breath and he stared punching my stomach again to the point it was purple, he looked up at me and instantly I looked down so I wasn't looking at him anymore and he knocked punches into my jaw and head and before I knew it the bell rung.

"Don't ever speak of this to anyone, you worthless piece of trash, this isn't over" he warned and grabbed his bag from inside then walked off with the blonde , Stephanie I think her name was.

The rest of the day was okay, I skipped lunch not wanting to see Justin or his sluts an headed to the library, I was relaxing and nobody bothered me until the bell sounded and I headed off to PE.

Of course I was partnered with Justin an he kept throwing balls at my stomach,on purpose and claimed it was an accident. It hurt like fuck.

At last the final bell rung and school was over so I could escape prison AKA school and sleep off all my issues, as soon as I got home I did exactly that dreading for what tomorrow will bring me..

Ok so how was the first chapter? Comment and vote💙💙xxxxx

Bully Bieber [DISCONTINUED]‼️Where stories live. Discover now