The Past

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When we left the beach, we went to Cameron's house, it was pretty big considering he lived here alone. When we got inside he brought ice-cream through to the living room, cookie dough my favourite!!

"Ok so want to talk about the past?" He said

"Umm sure, ok so when I was younger I umm would always hear my mom screaming from downstairs when I went to bed and eh one night I stood at the top of the stairs and my dad was yelling at my mom, I was scared shitless and he had a gun in his hand and everything, he didn't shoot her but he threatened to, he also had some weird bulky men behind him and they all had masks almost like they couldn't have their identity revealed or something, so from that night my dad left and never returned. My mom would cry sometimes and it was upsetting to know I was too young to do any thing about it but eventually my mom got over it, I think anyways and umm sometimes my dad would kinda beat me and my mom up, that's why I said I'm used to it when we were at the beach, he never raped me or a thing just punches to the stomach, and legs and stuff but um I'm not sure if he raped my mom because he would lock her in a room in our house and she would come out and not make contact with me or my dad. Umm and every year I move school because I get bullied and I have no idea why I just do and I'm tired off it, but my bully this year, Justin seems a bit off almost like he doesn't want to hurt me but he has to, I don't know that might sound crazy but I just have a feeling that that's not the real him" I smiled as a single tear escaped from my eye Cameron looked at me and he looked sorry for me "your turn" I chocked

"Well umm I don't have anything as dramatic as you but when I was younger I used to have a younger sister she was honestly the cutest little baby anyone could meet, and one day she got kidnapped by someone and to this day we still don't know who it was but since it was over 10 years ago the case was closed and the most heartbreaking thing happened next, there was a parcel at the door and um inside was her dead" he couldn't finish because he was crying too much I was crying too, I hugged him tight and told him that maybe God had it planned for a reason for her.

"I have a picture of her, here look" he managed to say through tears

At this point my heart was crying too, she looked like such a cutie, how could anybody hurt such an innocent soul the next thing Cameron said really broke my heart

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At this point my heart was crying too, she looked like such a cutie, how could anybody hurt such an innocent soul the next thing Cameron said really broke my heart

"She died of pain, when we turned her into the police they examined her and told us she died of pain about a week before the person turned her body to us,mostly any markings or clues of what they used on her was gone"

By him saying that I really was sobbing for him, it was getting late so we snuggled up and went to sleep, ready for what tomorrow was going to bring us.

I lay there thinking after that chat with Cameron for some reason I looked at him and fell in love with him even more, I knew he would never hurt me.

Sorry it's short, half of what I usually write💞xx

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