Friends? Or More...

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Next Day

I walked to my locker and noticed a boy was asking people stuff, but nobody gave him a reply, I thought it was only right if I spoke to him and helped him, maybe it could be a chance of making a new friend.

"Hey, are you new here" I spoke

"Yeah, um can you help me?" He said nervously

"Yeah sure, looks like we're in every class together except biology" I said happily, he nodded in response and we grabbed our books and headed to first class, I was dreading what was going to happen to me today with Justin and his sluts. When I got to class he wasn't there neither was Stephanie.

Minutes later he burst through the door with Stephanie in his hand and his hair all messed up and looked a bit sweaty.

"Where have you two been?" The teacher said looking them up an down

"Sorry, we were kinda busy in the janitors closet" he smirked and grabbed Stephanie's fake ass squeezing it, ew.

The teacher asked for a word with them both outside and they did just that leaving me just enough time to explain to the new boy who he is

"I didn't catch your name from earlier" I said

"Cameron" he said "Dallas"

"I'm Danielle Brookes" I said I shook his hand and it fit perfectly with mine we kept it there hand in hand and glanced down at them I blushed and turned away giggling

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"I'm Danielle Brookes" I said I shook his hand and it fit perfectly with mine we kept it there hand in hand and glanced down at them I blushed and turned away giggling

"Hey, don't hide your face your beautiful" he said turning my face around

Great now I'm 10X redder than before. But on the bright side this could be my chance at a relationship. I smiled at the thought

"Your smile is pretty, just like you" he said smiling at me, he was looking down at my lips and slowly leaning in, uh oh her we go I slowly leaned in too until we were interrupted by the teacher and the manwhore with the slut coming in. The slut looked furious and Justin looked pissed off, great now my bully is pissed of and fucking clenching his fists. That's another beating today

SHIT I forgot to tell Cameron about Justin and his antics. I'll tell him after, I hope. Finally the class was over and I was heading out until somebody tripped me up, surprise surprise it was Justin and StephieSlut, he sniggered and screamed at me

Cameron helped me up and immediately punched Justin in the face

"Nobody talks about my girl like that, you douche" he said in a cold voice

My girl aww he's too cute ugh.
Then I heard another punch and I looked up to see Cameron and Justin fighting.Me and StephieSlut looked at each other and pulled them back.

Justin spat out blood.... Well I'm guessing it was him because I wasn't allowed to look at him I was looking on the floor and just saw spit mixed with blood coming from his angle. He punched me in the stomach and walked off Cameron came over to me and hugged me tight, I cried into his chest then I looked up into his eyes and pressed my lips to his and it felt like they were made for me it was magical, the kiss turned into a heated make out session and lasted a few minutes, he pulled back smiling at me and left open mouth kisses in my neck. He was so cute omg, I think I like him.

The kiss wasn't even awkward it was almost as if we knew each other and were a happy couple.

Cameron's POV

After punching Justin my blood was boiling, how dare he speak to my future girlfriend/wife like that. Soon he punched back and we started kicking each other and then Danielle put her arms around my waist indicating me to stop, the slut did the same to Justin. Justin waddled off out the empty classroom.. Or so I thought I turned around and saw Danielle whimpering and Justin gone, she was clutching her stomach, I helped her up and she cried into my chest, that Justin's gonna pay for this then the next thing that happened was so unexpected....


When we were kissing it felt perfect there were fireworks and spark going off, I felt a tingle in my stomach when I licked her bottom lip for permission and she gladly accepted and it turned to a make out session. We pulled back
And it wasn't even awkward at all it felt like I had loved her for years. She smiled at me and blushed a little And hid her face in my chest,I thought it was the cutest thing ever.

Yup, I like her for sure

Danielle's POV

Yeah I defiantly like him

Nobody's POV

The rest of the day Cameron and Danielle sat in their classes dreaming about each other, they both got each other's number at the end of the day and made their own way home.

Danielle POV

Today couldn't have gone better minus the beating, I was walking home and I got a text from Cameron:

Nice ass, beautiful😭👏🏼xx

I turned around and saw Cameron checking me out from a distance I giggled and replied

Why thank you sexy, your ass is simply marvellous too if I do say so myself💩💩xx

I giggled and cut my phone off and pwalked into my house, greeted my mum and hopped off upstairs, I looked in The mirror and saw my ass, it was pretty nice. I then lifted my shirt and looked at my stomach, it hurt so much it was purple yellow blue and even black in some places.

My phone buzzed, it was from Cameron

Beach tomorrow after school?💙xx
I replied
Sounds good handsome😇xx

After dinner I hopped into bed getting slowly excited for tomorrow now that I actually have a friend or maybe more than just a friend....

Great, I'll pick you up tomorrow before school, goodnight princess👑xx

I smiled and drifted off into a deep sleep.

Bully Bieber [DISCONTINUED]‼️Where stories live. Discover now