Man to Man Chats

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Danielle POV

Today was good. Well so I thought until last period of the day Justin comes up and beats me to death he kicked my ribs, bashed up my legs and punched my stomach. I cried for what felt like years until Cameron came to the rescue and now we're on our way to the beach.

"Alright we're here" he smiled, we hopped out of the car and strolled along the beach. Cameron went to go get dressed and I did the same, I went to the bathroom and put on my Bikini and looked in the mirror, I sighed as I had a blue stomach with a yellow rim and grey bruised legs.

To Cameron
Text: I have bruises everywhere promise not to make fun of me :((

From Cameron
Text: Danielle, I would never in a million years do that to you, I promise💏xx

To Cameron
Text: thank you cam💔!!

I stepped out and Cameron's eyes teared up as he saw how bad the beatings were he came up and hugged me gently, scared of breaking me to pieces. I pulled back and looked at him smiling

"I promise I won't let him hurt you anymore,princess" he said his voice cracking at the end.

"Thank you Cam but I don't want you to feel bad for me or like its your fault, I'm used to it by now" I kissed his cheek and his eyebrows furrowed

"Why do you mean, used to it by now" he said

"Umm why don't we go over there and I'll explain my past to you, since we're friends I feel like you should know and then if you want to open up you can too" I suggested

He looked to were I pointed and shook his head "I think we should enjoy our time here just now and then you can come to my house and we can do that" he smiled, he was right the beach is for happy times not sulking about my past, I nodded and we took a walk along the edge of the sea.

As we were walking Cameron's grip tightened I looked at him and his veins were popping out of his neck (A/N just imagine how sexy that would be) I also noticed he was looking straight ahead so I followed his gaze and saw where he was looking... Fuck it's Justin and his friends, but where's the slut and her girlfriends at? Cameron pulled me towards Justin and at first I was like fuck what's he doing but there's enough people in that area to stop Justin from beating me up plus I'm pretty sure that's his younger siblings behind him so he wouldn't do anything like that to me, I gripped onto Cameron's arm and kept my head down.

Justin's POV

I was playing volleyball with my little brother and sister with Ryan and Chaz when I saw Danielle and Cameron walking my way. I told Ryan and Chaz to keep the little ones busy while I took care of Cameron and Danielle.

I looked at Danielle and she was scared of me, it did hurt because I really don't want to be doing this to her but rules are rules and I do not want to end up being tortured for hours on end thanks. Cameron just stood there between Danielle and I, he took me aside and finally spoke to me

"Ok Justin I'm only going to be nice to you from now on since Danielle doesn't wasn't me to get into anymore fights but I wanted to let you know, what your doing to her is not okay, look at her body, you think she's proud of that body, look at her stomach, that is fucking abuse Justin, I know that's not really the real you, I can look into your eyes and see that it's hurting you to do this, I don't know what the fuck your playing at but you need to stop okay, stop beating her and beat me up instead I couldn't give two shits, she's really pretty an she's not a peice of trash to be thrown about, how would you like it if I started beating up your girl brutally, I know for a fact you wouldn't like that, so just quit this game your playing Justin, she doesn't deserve it she sits there crying her eyes out and talks to me about commuting suicide, because of you she self harms look at her wrists she may act strong or like it doesn't bother her but it does Justin, she suicidal thanks to you." I stood there shocked I never realised I had that much of an impact on her, he's right she doesn't deserve this but I have to, it's my job from ----- I can't let him down, not again. I simply nodded and looked at Danielle, she was beautiful but a soon as I caught a glimpse of her body my heart shattered, I'm a monster. I did this to her I was the one who has broke her down and for what.. A bit of money.

Danielle's POV

I don't know what they were talking about but when I saw Justin walking away he looked sad and almost sorry, I don't know what Cameron said to him but I hope whatever it was changes Justin because  I know  that's not the real him he's being forced by someone I can tell, I know it.

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