Chapter 2

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-Kaylie’s POV-

I can’t speak. Every time I open my mouth to, nothing comes out. The silence is literally killing Niall, I can tell by the quiet pleads on the other end of the line, “Kaylie, please. I won’t be able to go through it without you because without you-” He lets out an audible sigh through his nose, sending the static noise to my ear, “without you, I wouldn’t have even met Meghan.”

“Meghan?” I manage to croak out, letting the tears fall freely down my cheeks and into my lap where mine and Harry’s hands lie.

“You’re going to love her KB.” I shudder at the all too personal name, having a short flash back of our past before coming back to reality. Niall is still talking on the other end, “She is amazing; you’re going to love her!”

“Niall, I don’t know if I can-“

“Kaylie,” he pleads, “please?”


“Oh my god, I love you so much!” Hearing those words make my shoulders shake as I sob silently, trying so hard for him not to hear. “I will send you all the details,” he pauses for a moment, “Hey Kay?”

I bite my lip and reply as normal as I can, “Yes?”

“Thank you so much. I’ll see you in a few weeks!” And with that he hangs up the phone.

The dial tone rings in my ears allowing me to finally let out my loud cries. I hold on to Harry’s stained shirt, as he rubs my back soothing me with his soft singing. I look up at him and smile, his eyes are red and puffy from seeing me in pain, but he happily returns it.

“I’ll come.” He says pushing the hair off my face and placing a comforting kiss on my forehead.

“Harry, you don’t have to,” I smile.

“Oh, but I do.” He chuckles lightly, making me move with the movement of his chest, “C’mon love, let’s go home.”

-3 months later-

“Harry I can’t do this,” I say wriggling in my seat beside the window. I look out over at the airport we’ve just left wishing I never stepped foot on the plane.

“It’s too late now,” Harry states referring to the flashing seatbelt sign above our heads.

I groan, buckle my seatbelt and close my eyes, pushing away the tears that are forming. “What if she doesn’t like me?” I think out loud, “Or even worse, what if I like her?”

He shrugs his shoulders, “Whatever happens – happens, we’ll just have to wait and see.”

“I am specifically going, to win him back, or at least tell him I love him. No matter who wins, the other is going to be hurt.” I gasp, “God, now I say it like that I sound like a two faced slut!”

“I agree with you on that one,” He laughs.

“Screw you Styles!” I smile, playfully punching his shoulder.

We are up in the air now, the seatbelt sign flashing off, allowing us to roam around the aircraft. I pull the shade of the window down, a sudden wave of tiredness washing over me. I turn to face Harry again and catch him smiling warmly at me and tapping his shoulder signalling for me to lean on him. I accept his offer and he rolls his head to gently rest it on top of mine. I watch him scrolling through his Facebook until I feel myself falling to sleep.

 “I will wake you just before we land,” Harry whispers, plugging his earphones in and selecting his ‘Soft’ playlist.

I nod my agreements, “Oh and Haz?” I yawn.

Nothing Like Us // Niall Horan [AU]Where stories live. Discover now