Chapter 5

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-Harry’s POV-

“Harry, I look like shit!” I look up at Kaylie with tears in my eyes before turning away and going back to unpacking my suitcase. The iPod switches itself from the ‘Celine Dion’ playlist and lands on Coldplay's song ‘Yellow’.

Kaylie stops looking at herself in the mirror when she notices my silence, “What’s up?” she asks putting her hair up in a messy ponytail.

I shift onto my knees and put a pair of jeans in the second drawer. “I just hate it so much when you put yourself down.” I turn to look her in the eyes, “You are so beautiful and any guy, straight or not, that doesn’t see that is blind.” She sends me a warm smile and blows me a kiss. I pretend to catch it in my rather large hand before putting another pair of jeans in the old cupboard and singling along softly with the music.

Kaylie sits down in front of the mirror tying up a pair of her converses before applying her make up.

After a few minutes of humming along with the band she speaks up, “Hey Haz?”

I put the last piece of clothing in the drawer and close it “Yeah?”

She rubs her lips together, spreading the light pink lip gloss evenly across her perfectly shaped lips, “Who’s in the other room? I mean, why are we both in this room and I’m not in mine?”

“I don’t-” A small bang from the kitchen and the sound of water running makes us both jump and our eyes widen “- … know…”

“Where the fuck is the sugar?! God damn it Niall’s always taking the sugar! Wouldn’t it be easier for him to take his lazy ass to the shop and buy more?!” A voice cursed from in the kitchen.

“Louis, take a deep breath and calm down. I doubt Niall was the one that took it this time. Bob and Maura are staying with them, and you know Maura would have bought some if they ran out.” A much deeper voice calms.

By this time Kaylie and I are standing side-by-side in the doorway of our room with our heads turned to the left looking down the hallway to the kitchen. “W-who was that?” She whispers.

“I don’t know.” I state taking a step out into the hallway.

“Wait Harry,” Kaylie gasps, wrapping both of her arms around one of mine and holding on tightly. “It’s not safe, I’m coming with you!”

I look at her with a smirk on my face, “Go back Kaylie. I’m going to Moredor alone.”

She recognises my reference and realises how silly she must have sounded and laughs, letting go of my arm and brushing her cardigan back down neatly. “Let’s go then you twat.” She walks in front of me making a beeline to the kitchen

“Hey! That’s not very nice,” I whisper-shout after her, jogging to catch up as the voices still argue in the kitchen.

“Zayn, if you make me go buy some more sugar because the rest was stolen in the few hours we were gone by a mystery man-“

“What makes you think it was a man?”

“IF YOU MAKE ME GO THEN YOU ARE SLEEPING ON THE COUCH!” The higher pitch voice shouts.

Kaylie and I stifle our giggles as we stand at the doorway taking in the scene. “I put it back where it originally belonged.” Kaylie laughs, walking in between the both of them. She reaches behind the toaster and pulls out the cream coloured porcelain jar from earlier. “Here.” she pushes it into the hands of the boy with his back to me. He has the fittest bum I have ever seen, and from what I can see he has a good sense in fashion too.

“Um, thank-you?” He follows her with his gaze as she walks back towards me and that’s when I got a good look at him.

I always laughed and mocked people when they said that it was ‘love at first sight’. But I believe them now. I know what they mean when they say your heart skips a beat and everything you know becomes what you knew. That when you see them everything becomes so clear and that when you look into their eyes, the air whooshes out of your body and everything freezes for a second. They say it’s as though you’re looking at them through a camera lens, zoomed in all the way, the world pausing for that tiny span of time between the opening and closing of the shutter.

This boy is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. More beautiful than the view of Paris at night standing on top of the Eiffel Tower, more beautiful than the most beautiful painting in the world. The way his hair is pushed messily to one side and is sticking up in neat manner makes the tips of my ears burn red. His eyes make me weak at the knees and the way he smiles makes me feel so comfortable, like I’ve known this boy forever. 

People would say this is fate, and if it is then Fate was smiling when she made me open up my mouth and let a nervous “Hi” come crawling out.

His eyes crinkle up at the sides as he reaches over to take my hand in his, shaking it firmly and sending chills up my long torso. “Hey, I’m Louis, Louis Tomlinson.”

I swallow trying to pull myself together and to try and sound stronger then how I felt, because right now I feel like a weak teenage school girl, swooning over a jock. But it just seems so much more than that and I know no matter how he feels, (and if he’s straight or gay) that this will be more than just a crush for me. I smile at the small chance of ‘us’, before finally coming back to reality,

“I’m Harry, Harry Styles.”

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