Chapter 7

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I walked into the apartment, slamming the door behind me. I didn’t even try to hide my tears as they fell rapidly down my face. I stood there in silence as I let my body calm down, staring at the still white lily on the hall table. I was standing there for so long I didn’t even notice Zayn hovering towards me.

“Are you okay, Kaylie?” His voice made me jump. As I slowly registered what he said, the memories of what just happened came rushing back.

I began to sob again, so much so that I fell to the ground, cutting my hand on a piece of glass Harry must have missed.

Zayn rushed over to me and sat down, pulling me into his lap. He was practically a stranger, yet I felt safe in his arms as he rubbed circles in my back to calm me.

“I love him so much.” I cried into his chest. He didn’t say a word; he just stroked my hair and let me continue. “All this time I thought he was the bad guy. I blamed him for everything when in fact it was entirely my fault. I overthought the whole situation and let myself believe that he hurt me when all I did was hurt myself. God, how could I have been so fucking stupid?! Niall didn’t do anything wrong. I ran away from him and I hate myself for it. I hate myself, so mu-”

“Hey,” Zayn finally cooed holding me closer. “No more of that.”

I looked up at him. His brown orbs slightly twinkled from the light in the kitchen. He smiled down at me sadly, “I’m sorry.” I sighed wiping my tear stained cheeks with the back of my hands.

That must have been when he noticed the blood rushing down my hand. “Oh god, Kaylie you’re bleeding.” He rushed to his feet pulling me with him. He carried me in a bridal position as he started walking towards the bathroom.

“Kitchen,” I laughed as I realised where he was going. “First Aid kit is in the kitchen.”

Zayn looked down at me with a puzzled expression on his face which soon broke into a smile. He sat me down on the bench beside the electric toaster and kettle and I watched patiently as he searched for the kit. I smirked a little when he found it in with the saucepans.

“What the fuck?” His eyebrows knit together as he pulled it out.

“Niall’s idea.” I sighed, holding back the tears that were threating to return.

He made his way over to me and pulled out the antiseptic, “Of course it was.” He laughed.

It was the first time I had heard him laugh. I smiled widely at him as his eyes crinkled up in the corners and he stuck his tongue between his teeth. It was a breathy laugh, coming from his chest as he spelt out each ‘ha’. Every possibility of me wanting to cry disappeared.

He looked up at me and caught me staring, “What?” he asked, nervously going back to tying the bandage around my arm.

“Nothing, you’ve just got a great laugh.” I smiled, looking down at him.

He tried to hide his blushes by clearing his throat and putting on the manliest voice he could, “thanks.”

That was the last straw. I felt my face heating up as I bit down my bottom lip, trying so hard to hold it in. My leg started kicking and I couldn’t contain it any longer. I laughed my loud and obnoxious laugh for a quick second befor covering my mouth, yet still continuing to laugh softly in embarrassment.

Zayn had finished the bandage and was looking up at me with a shocked look on his face.

“What?” I repeated the same question he asked me moments ago.

He broke into a wide grin, the face he made when he laughed returning. “Nothing,” he shrugged, “you’ve just got a great laugh.”

AN: Okay so a few things... firstly, I'm soOoOoO sorry I've been so slack with updating. It's been way too long. But I'm finally back.

Secondly, sorry it's so short. It's just a filler, but I really wanted to do something for you guys.

Thirdly, ayyy what do you think of Zayn and Kaylie lmao

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2014 ⏰

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