Final Moment Together (Chapt.1)

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Kuroko's P.O.V

Tomorrow is my birthday, January 31. I don't feel like celebrating it with anyone, but I'd like to go to the bookstore and buy a few novels though, and of course buy myself a vanilla milkshake. While I was thinking about my birthday, I was walking to the gym for basketball practice. I went to the locker room to change and entered the gym where I spotted everyone just sitting and shooting some hoops.

"Ah, Kuroko-chii!!! Kise-kun shouted while running toward me to give me a hug. "Get off of Tetsu! He can't breathe, you idiot." Aomine-kun shouted while pushing him away from me like a bodyguard.

"Thank you, Aomine-kun." I said trying to catch my breath. "No problem." Aomine-kun replied back pushing Kise-kun on the floor, making sure he stays down. "Now that everyone is here, practice is now starting." Akashi-kun said throwing Murasakibara-kun a ball.

~Time past

  Practice is now done and everyone patted my back and complemented my passing. "You're improving Kuroko." Midorima-kun said while adjusting his glasses with his taped hand.

"Thank you Midorima-kun." I thanked the green haired ace with a small smile. "Good work everyone, keep it up." Akashi-kun said to everyone while getting his things.

  I grabbed my bag and took my book out to read while exiting the gym. I'm glad to have friends like them, they were there when I was alone and hoped for it to be everlasting. On the other hand I need to meet another friend at a restaurant not so far away from the school.

  When I arrived at the fast food chain, I walked up to our regular spot near the window. I didn't tell the others about the friend I was meeting, since I thought that it wasn't necessary. Looking around, I noticed he was already there waiting for his order. "Hey what's up." The dark red head boy said waving at me to get my attention. "Dommo, Kagami-kun." I greeted back, taking a seat.

"Your order is ready sir. Oh hello, may I take your order sir?" The employee offered me. "May I get a vanilla milkshake please, that's it." I asked as I settled my belongings. "Coming right up sir." The employee said, smiling at me while walking back to the kitchen.

"UUGH, you still order the same drink?" Kagami-kun complained as he placed his chin on his bottom palm. "I see you still order the same meal." I defended myself, rolling my eyes at him. As always, he orders 30 burgers while I order a vanilla milkshake. "Whatever, I remember that tomorrow's your birthday. Do you want to go somewhere, I'm okay with wherever you want to go." Kagami-kun reminded me as I looked back at him from my novel.

"Yes it is, but I don't feel like doing anything big tomorrow." I told him when my order came in. "Are you sure, you never do anything fun on your birthday." He childly said as he unwrapped a Burger.

"Ya, I'm just thinking of going tho the bookstore." I said, taking a sip of my medium sized milkshake.

"Nerd." He mocked, taking a huge bite of his cheeseburger. "Whatever, just finish eating." I plainly said, while I continued reading. About half an hour past and he headed out the door. "Do you want me to walk you home, I don't mind doing so." Kagami-kun asked, while we stopped out the door. Cars speed passed by, and business people with suits and dresses walking by.

"That be nice." I shrugged as I adjusted my bag strap. "Cool than, let's go." Kagami cheered while placing his hands around his head like a pillow. When we were walking towards my apartment, it was already getting dark. The comfortable silence continued and we could only here the wind blowing our hair along with the leaves.

"Well, we made back home. See you tomorrow." Kagami-kun said shuffling my hair. "Goodnight." I said cracking a small smiling at him. "Night." He said walking back to his home,while I unlocked my door..

  I live alone with my dog, Nigou. When my parents moved to America to provide me some supplies, I got to adopt Nigou to keep me company. I tried to give them money but they didn't except my offer, because in their opinion, they think that giving is more important that taking. They wanted me to stop worrying because they love me, and because I need the money more to provide myself and Nigou.

Time passed and started darker, so I began my night routine. Closing my bedroom door, I layed down and felt something fluffy walking on my stomach. When I slowly opened my eyes it was Nigou trying to lay on my arm. I don't mind I guess, so I just closed my eyes and continued sleeping.

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