Tokyo College (Chapt.5)

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"Damn it, Tetsuya!!!"

Kuroko's P.O.V

While I was staring out the window, and Kagami-kun was sleeping. I then felt a shiver through my spine. I felt like someone screamed. The atmosphere felt uneasy, I just let it slide by a sigh and than I realized that the train stopped and informed the passengers that we are now in Tokyo.

"Kagami-kun, Kagami-kun." I whispered his name.

"Mmm, Ya?" He asked rubbing his eyes.

"Come on now, we made it." I said grabbing my bag.

"Alright." Kagami-kun said while yawning.

After we got out the train, I followed Kagami-kun which we're heading out the train station.

"Are we going to the campus already?" I asked while holding Nigou's cage.

"Ya. Are you excited?" He asked get us a cab.

"I actually am."

"Great, I am too." After that a cab finally stopped. We brought our belonging at the trunk and headed inside.

~30 minutes later

I felt the car stop, I looked up my book and saw the entrance to the campus.

"We're her sir." The taxi man informed us while helping us get our bags. After that, Kagami-kun payed the guy and drove away. We looked at each other and at the entrance. It was a big campus, I also heard that this campus is the most popular collage.

"Alright when we get in, just stay in the waiting room while I get our house keys and our classroom numbers." Kagami-kun explained while we opened the door. The entrance hall was huge. There was a second floor filed with students.

"Cool isn't it, Kuroko?"

"Ya, it is." Minutes later, we made it to the cheek in area and I just sat down checking the place.


"Okay, I got our schedule and our house key. Let's find our room and than we can cheek this place out."

"Sounds good."

"Alright, let's go." We were having a hard time getting to the neighborhood, than I accidentally bumped into a boy with silver hair.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said trying to help him up.

"No, it's okay. Huh, are you new here?"

"Ye-yes, how do you know?"

'Well I haven't seen you before."

"Hmm, well I'm Mayuzumi Chihiro. Nice to meet you."

"Oh, I'm Kuroko Tetsuya. Sorry this is too soon but will you help me get to 'House 106'?"

"House 106? Is that where you're staying?"

"Ye-ya, why?"

"Haha, I live in house 107. We get to be neighbors. That's cool!"


"Oi, Kuroko! What's taking you so long. Uh, who is that?!?" Kagami-kun than got overprotective and pushed me away from Mayuzumi-kun.

"Kagami-kun, don't get so angry. He will help us get to the neighborhood." I informed him.

"O-oh, sorry to jump into conclusions. I'm Kagami Taiga."

"Hey, I'm Mayuzumi. Since I got the day off, I could show you the way."

"Thank you Mayuzumi-kun."

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