Disappearance (Chapt. 4)

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~Sunday Morning

Kagami's P.O.V

  When I woke up, I saw that Kuroko-kun was taking some medicine that the nurse was giving him. She was being courageous to Kuroko-kun that he will get better. After she left, I quickly checked the clock and it was 8:46am. I then said good morning.

"Good morning to you too, Kagami-kun." He said back with a small smile.

"How are you catching up?"

"My back is healing a bit and my body feels flat. The doctor said that soon today that he will come and give me some blood since that I lost that much on my head."

"That's good to here that things are working out. By the way, I have great news."

"What happened?"

"While you were resting last night, I actually got a spot for us in Tokyo for a college scholarship."

"You really got us in?

"Yup, so as soon as you get better we can just pack and as soon as we arrive our dorm is ready."

"Ha, I can't wait." When I finished explaining, he was smiling big. I was happy because he was happy, just looking at him, how could someone like those idiots hurt him. I'll make sure you won't see them, so you won't get hurt again. I then ruffled his hair and than he started reading his hair and than he started reading one of the novels I gave him.

~Time past

  While I was listening to music, the doctor and nurse came in with a bag of blood.

"Hello Kuroko-san, are you ready. You will feel a prick but I know you're strong enough to handle it." The doctor said. While the doctor pricked Kuroko-kun and the nurse hung the bag, blood flood through the tube.

"Are you alright Kuroko-san?" The doctor asked while the nurse smiled while leaving.

"I'm okay, thank you."

"Since you only cracked on bone, it only takes about two to three days to heal. So if you want to get out tomorrow, you need more rest." After that he left.

"That's great." I said out loud.

"Ya it is, finally."

"In the mean time, I'll get us a train ticket set tomorrow afternoon. Sounds good?"

"As long as we leave here, than its more than good."

"Great so rest while I get things ready. If not than read for now, than sleep."

"Thank you for being here for me."

"What would make me leave you?"

~Slight Laugh
"Thank you again."

"Anytime for you."

~Next Day

  Nothing new happened yesterday. Kuroko-kun was just sleeping while I was resting as well. Finally today we get out the hospital. It was 9:57am and I but Kuroko-kun's books in my bag than the doctor came in.

"Alright Kuroko-san, you may now leave. I hope that you stay safe along with this friend of yours. Have a good day."

"Thank you." Me and Kuroko-kun said together bowing while we left the room, leaving him in there.

"Since we're leaving today, we can go to your house first than mine to get our things. okay?"

"Sounds great." We both agreed while heading to his apartment.

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