Chapter Five

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I knew that this class didn't have many occupants which is why I wanted to take the class. Now, there were five other students and two empty desks around me. One beside me and another one diagonal of me. I was hoping that no one, especially Connor, would sit next to me.
When I heard someone sit down in the desk beside me and in the desk diagonal of me I sighed. I looked up to see Parker diagonal of me and Connor beside me. Perfect, I thought to myself. I couldn't concentrate on Mrs. Henson's lesson because I felt like eyes were on me all class period.
When we left, Jade was so excited that she was practically bouncing up and down with joy. "Calm down," I said.
"I can't! They're all just so perfect!" Jade exclaimed and then I thought back to them. Each one seemed like they could be models without a blemish on any of their faces. It struck me as weird and I couldn't quite place my finger on it. Hayden wouldn't want to talk about them but I had to ask him.
I was surprised when I walked in to see Connor, Parker, Chase, Emma and Skye sitting in scattered desks. Mr. James was sitting in his desk. It was early for him to already be in class but he seemed to be on high alert today. I sighed as I saw that, once again, my desk was near Connor. Connor sat on the row beside me but two desks ahead of me.
I looked down as I walked to my seat. Jade was right behind me but she wasn't being shy. Jade was giving every single one of them a cheery smile. When she sat down in the desk next to me she gave me the same smile.
When English 12 finally got out I sighed in relief as Jade and I made our way to our lockers. We put our books up and headed to the cafeteria. All the while, Jade was going on and on about the new students. I didn't want to tell her that I felt like something was off about them because then she would say that's just because I have no love life.
I didn't have a love life but that wasn't why I had a feeling about them. The way they took everybody in, it was like they were looking for someone, and I didn't like that. I would protect anybody here if need be even though I knew it wasn't my place. I looked around and when I caught Connor's eye and saw that their table wasn't too far from ours my eyes changed to slits of disapproval.
Connor seemed to grin at the look I gave him and I looked away. When we sat down I looked up at Jade. She was eating her lunch and casting glances towards Connor's table. When Hayden sat down I automatically knew he was on edge.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Nothing," Hayden said but his eyes darted back and forth like he was looking for something. When he looked behind him his eyes hesitated on Connor.
"You don't like them do you?" I asked.
"No," Hayden said, looking back at me.
"I don't either and they're all in both of my classes so far," I said.
"Why not? They haven't done anything wrong," Jade intervened.
"They're... off," I answered.
"And what is it that is so off about us?" Someone's cold yet calm voice said from behind me. I jumped and turned around in my seat. I looked straight up into Connor Pierce's eyes which were less than a foot away from me. I heard Hayden's chair slide back and then he was in front of me and Jade pushing Connor back.
"Get your cold-hearted soul away from them. Matter of fact, why don't you go back to whatever hole you crawled out of," Hayden said, his voice laced with anger.
"Well, well, what do we have here? I take it that you already know more than you let on considering what condition you're in. I also see that you don't want any others to find out about it or you," Connor said calmly.
I looked back at Connor's friends who didn't look too happy about Hayden shoving Connor. I then looked at Hayden and wondered what Connor was talking about. What was it that Hayden was hiding? What else did Hayden know about Connor and his friends that no one else did?
"My condition is none of your concern and the only thing you need to know is that I want you gone," Hayden said.
Parker, Chase, Emma and Skye all seemed to take a step forward and clench their fists in anger. I was surprised to see Connor lift his hand and look back at them with a glare. "Calm down, it's okay," Connor said sternly and then looked back at Hayden. "Careful Hayden, we are all aware of what happened seven years ago but that's not why we're here," Connor said and Hayden's expression turned to shock. "So you can relax. I apologize for coming here without warning but we won't cause any trouble while we're here," Connor finished.
Hayden seemed angry but he also looked defeated, "you could have had chosen to have this discussion in a more discreet place and time," Hayden complained.
Connor looked around and seemed to notice for the first time that they had drawn a crowd. "I'll be sure to be more private in the future," Connor said and then turned around and walked out of the cafeteria. Parker, Chase, Emma and Skye glared at Hayden once more before following Connor out the door. When Hayden sat down he seemed drained.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Yes," Hayden answered bluntly.
"What just happened?" Jade asked.
"Nothing," Hayden said and glanced at me.
"We'll talk later," I said and Hayden hesitated before giving me a single nod.
When Hayden's practice was over he hesitantly got in the car. I pulled out the school parking lot and started the drive back home. Hayden seemed nervous and uncomfortable. I decided to make him suffer a little while longer before I questioned him.
"I'll start off easy. What's your condition?" I asked.
Hayden hesitated a moment before answering, "Connor was probably referring to the loss of my parents and how it affected me," Hayden replied.
"How did Connor and his friends know about seven years ago?" I asked.
"I'm sure it was on the news or in the papers when it happened," Hayden answered.
"Then why did Connor say he wasn't here about that?" I asked.
"I'm sure someone would become curious about it sooner or later and come looking around, but according to Connor that's not why he's here, like you said," Hayden explained.
"Then why are they here?" I asked.
"I still need to figure out more about that," Hayden replied.
I wasn't sure I was believing any of the answers he was giving me, but I still continued to question him. "What do you know about Connor and his friends that nobody else does?" I asked my final question.
Hayden looked up at me and I saw a flicker of panic in his eyes before it was gone. "I found out that they were originally from Boston. They moved here a few years back, but they wanted another new start at another new school where nobody knew who they were," Hayden explained.
Even though Hayden has an answer for all of my questions I still didn't believe him. His answers sounded too rehearsed, machine-like almost. I gave him a questioning glance by mistake while I was too deep in thought. I turned back to the road and kept driving but we didn't say another word for the rest of the ride home.

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