Chapter 3: Wanna get high?????

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Chapter 3:Wanna to get high?????

A/N: So how do you like my story so far??? Please leave comments below. And please remember to vote or fan (it makes me more hypo and happier)

Disclaimer; I don’t own Harry Potter *sighs* sadly.

-----------------------> i really don't like South Park but i do like the towel in it so here is a vid of him :):)

He fell for it that, sucker Hermione chuckled to herself as she walked to the Great Hall doors, recounting before dawn events. She walked over to Dracoina, who was already eating breakfast. “Hey Dracoina,” Hermione said.

“Morning Hermione,” replied Dracoina.

“You know, that brother of yours is a pain in the ass,” Hermione said casually.

“Yup I know. I just came here from Beaubaxtons and he is already owling me at night, that dumbass bastard.” Dracoina said in an annoyed tone. “But I still can’t figure it out on how I got into Gryffindor and not into Slytherin with that brainless twit.”

Hermione shrugged.

“WHAZZUPPPPPPPPP,” Harry screamed into Hermione ear.

“OWWW HARRY, DO THAT ONE MORE TIME AND I AM GOING TO CALL YOU THE BOY-WHO-DIED-WHILE-BEING-STRANGLED!!” screamed Hermione, frustrated. “Okeydokey” Harry gulped while sitting next to Dracoina, looking a bit frightened of Hermione. “So, Dracoina, do you have any embarrassing stories about ferret face,” asked Harry.

“Actually, I have heaps!” She continued “Umm let me remember… oh yeah! There was one time where he wet his bed in the middle of the night,”

“Oh, when he was like 4 or 5?” Hermione asked.

“No like more when he was15. He wet his bed every single night and we had to get him adult diapers,” laughed Dracoina. Everybody that was sitting on Gryffindor dining table around them heard. “Oh and there was this one time when I caught him running around the Manor in his underpants, screaming that there was a huge bear under his bed. I am so glad that I transfigured his toy bear into a real bear.” finished Dracoina. She had the entire Gryffindor table cracking up! All the other houses were very curious as to what they were laughing about.

At that moment, Draco walked into the Great Hall. What are those Gryffindorks laughing about? Their so happy and cheerful… it makes me sick! Draco thought. All of a sudden, Harry ran up to Draco and went down on his hands and knees. “All hail the Prince of Diapers; all hail the Prince of Diapers, all hail the Prince of Diapers,” said Harry, trying to hold in his laughter.

“Bugger off, Potthead,” Draco said while he went to the Slytherin table to eat his breakfast in peace. Suddenly, there was a lot of flapping noises that had filled the Great Hall, there was only one option on what that could be; it’s mail time!

Draco could see that his owl had brought him a parcel. It landed the parcel in his hands. Draco opened it and was curious about the gift that he received. Hermione and Harry were staring at Draco, wondering if he is going to be suspicious about the gift.  I wonder if he’ll eat it. Man, I hope this prank won’t fail Hermione thought. Harry, on the other hand, was thinking about something else.  Yummy, yummy, yummy I got sugar in my tummy and I feel like eating more Harry thought. Wouldn’t it be nice if the world was made out of chocolate… mmmmmm chocolate. However, Harry didn’t notice that he was drooling like a bulldog.

Draco was looking at the gift he had just received. I wonder who it’s from Draco thought. The card only read;

Dear Draco,

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