Chapter 4: Snape's Hot 4 Hermione ;)

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AN/: -----> I laughed soooo hard when i saw this remix of Snape hitting Ron over the head :):);)

Chapter 4: Snape’s Hot 4 Hermione…or is he?

A/N: Woot- woot another chapter of Bloody Hell! The randomness continues…

Disclaimer; HA-HA! I DO OWN HARRY POTTER *police gets handcuffs ready* ARGHHH I WAS JUST JOKING OKAY?! I DON’T OWN HARRY POTTER!!! I DON’T WANT TO GO TO JAIL *runs around in circles*

“I swear to Merlin that I’m going to kill those two one day! And when I do kill them, I’m going to go and learn voodoo spells to bring them back to life and kill them again!!!” mumbled Hermione as she walked into her dormitory and slammed the door.

Draco sighed angrily as he sat down in the Heads Common Room. I am so going to kill Dracoina and Potthead next time I see them he thought. Draco’s stomach grumbled rather loudly that even the portrait of Salazar Slytherin heard. “You better feed that stomach of yours, boy, otherwise it will eat your insides,” he said to Draco, who was not paying attention. Draco remembered that he had received a box of chocolates earlier this morning. Retrieving them from his bag, Draco opened them and popped one into his mouth.

Mmmmm it tastes like a- Draco’s thought was disrupted when he coughed out… yellow feathers? What in the Merlin’s saggy man boobs is going on? Draco thought as he looked at the feathers that were in his hands. His hands suddenly turned into yellow, feathery wings. He had just turned into a canary! Uh-oh I have got to get to the Hospital Wing. But before he could leave, a flash of light had been directed to his sight. “What the hell?!” he said as he turned around only to see Hermione with a camera, laughing her head off. “SHUT UP! IT’S NOT FUNNY!” growled Draco, throwing his arms, well wings in this case, up in the air causing them to flap. This made Hermione laugh harder than ever. Fuming, Draco left the Head Dorms to the Hospital Wing. Everybody were staring and laughing at Draco. I am going to kill this ‘secret admirer’ if I ever find out who she is.

Draco ran through the 1st floor when all of a sudden he bumped into someone. “Hey, it’s Big Bird! Why aren’t you living at Sesame Street anymore?” Harry asked. Finally, I found Potthead. Now I can kill him; wait first I’ll get an antidote for this and then I’ll kill him Draco thought. “Move out of the way four-eyes. I gotta go do something,” Draco said trying to move out of Harry’s way.

“Hey I got a bone to pick with you. How come you’re being mean to Elmo? All that Elmo wanted to do was to be friends with you and Grover and Oscar and Abby Cadabby and Cookie Monster,” whined Harry. OMIGOSH!!! I SWEAR I AM GOING TO DIE OF BOREDOM IF THIS BOY DOESN’T GET OUT OF MY WAY! Draco thought bitterly. Draco suddenly got an idea. “Oi, Potter, do you like Big Bir- I mean do you like me?” Draco said. Harry nodded his head enthusiastically. “Of course I do! I love you!” Harry said while running up to Draco and giving him a bone-crushing hug. Draco looked more disgruntled than ever “Well if you love me, then you better let me pass through otherwise I’ll die. And you don’t want me to die do you?” Draco said with a smirk upon his lips. Harry looked like he was going to cry. Releasing Draco from the bone-crushing hug, Harry said “NO I DON’T WANT YOU TO DIE BIG BIRD!! PLEASE DON’T DIE!! ELMO NEEDS YOU!!!” sobbing, Harry moved sideways to let Draco pass.

Draco, running away from the sobbing Harry, reached the entrance of the Hospital Wing. “Madam Pomfrey, do you have an antidote for this,” He panted while pointing at himself.

“Oh Mr Malfoy, it seems that you have fallen into a trick of the Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes. Canary Creams I presume” she continued “I’m sorry to say Mr Malfoy but you will have to wait a couple of minutes until you will ‘moult’ back to normal. You may stay in here if you like,” Madam Pomfrey said as she went back to her office.

Bloody Hell! (Dramione FanFiction) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now