Chapter One

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This is by far the hardest thing I've ever done. I don't know why I agreed to this. Three weeks ago I found out who my college roommate would be, turns out he's from New England, like me. He thought it would be a good idea for us and two of his friends to go for a three day hike in the white mountains. Now at approximately 4,500 feet above sea level. I regret it. Next thing I know I'm laying face first on the ground.

"You okay Marc?" Asks my roommate Garrett. I try to stand up to show him I am, but pain shoots all through my ankle and I fall back down again.

"Ow, shit." I look around to see what I had fallen over. I see a arched root next to my other foot. Great I tripped over a fricken root. I can't help but cringe at the pain.

" I think you may have sprained it." Says one of Garrett's friends, I think his name is Jeff but I can't remember. I just met the guy a few hours ago in the parking lot where we all got ready for this monster of a hike.

"It's to late to turn back. We will have to try and get you up to the hut." Says Garrett. Garrett and Jeff each take one of my arms and
His Garrett's other friend Todd takes my backpack. Together we all and trudge up the rest of the way until we get to the hut.

We keep stopping to catch our breaths and drink water so it takes us a while to hike up there. I can tell that Garrett and Jeff are less then thrilled about carrying me up the mountain. But I'm just glad they didn't ditch me.

About a half hour later we come across a sign, it reads; STOP this area ahead has the worst weather in America. Many have died from exposure even in the summer. Turn back now if the weather is bad.

"Hey guys I remember this from last time we hiked up here." Says Garrett pointing to the sign with a smile. "We're really close to the hut now." I roll my eyes at his enthusiasm. How can you get so excited about a sign that is telling you that you could possibly die.

We continue to trudge up for the next 10 minutes before we finally reach the hut doors. We all cram through the small door at once. Garrett and Jeff sit me down at a large table while Todd goes and checks us all in and informs the staff of my current situation.

After a few moments he motions for us to come over. Garrett and Jeff follow Todd into a small room with two folding cot and a large plastic bin labeled first aid. They sit me up on the bed and prop my foot up on a plastic pillow. A girl with dark brown hair walks in. I recognize her immediately. Kat Summers, we were best friends in middle school, we even dated, twice. Then high school hit and we stopped talking. But I never could forget her.

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