Chapter twenty five

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Our hike down was slow and painful. It took us a good 6 hours. But once we finally reached the parking lot, I did what I should have done a long time ago. I call Abby.

"Hey baby!" She laughs through the phone. "How was camping with the guys?"

"Oh it was great, listen Abby, I realized a few things on this hike." I take in a deep breath. "I'm sorry but I'm breaking up with you. But I've just been holding onto this relationship for way to long." She's silent for a while.

"Yea, I um-" she coughs. "I know what you mean. I knew this was coming. It's fine." I could tell she was pissed. Not sad just mad.

"Sorry, but Goodbye." I say.

"Bye." She scoffs.

Garret, Todd and Jeff all stare at me in disbelief.

"Dude, what just happened?" Whispers Jeff to Todd a little loudly.

"Marc?" Asks Garret, sounding very confused.

"I had to just cut an old tie." I shrug.

The guys slowly nod, Jeff and Todd wave goodbye and get into there car.

"Hey man, I'm sorry that this whole trip kinda sucked for you." Garret says as he rubs the back of his neck.

"What do you mean, it was fun." I shrug

Garret looks up at me like I was crazy. "Okay sure thing dude." He laughs a little bit. "I'll see you in August." He says nodding as he heads over to his car.

"See you In August." I say back. And I head over into my car. I watch Garret and the guys drive away. Now the final thing I had to do now that I'm in the parking lot.

Marc: Hey
Jay: Hey
Marc: Kat is pregnant
Jay: what
Marc: Kat has this nice boyfriend and there having a baby together
Jay: I don't understand
Marc: she's not the same person she was back in middle school, you need to let things go
Jay: whatever

I toss my phone into the passenger seat and leave the mountains in the dust. This was a hell of a trip, a lot of shit went down, but In the end, it's exactly what I needed.


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