Chapter Twenty

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I watch as Marc's friends come over to talk to me. That's weird I think.

"Hey so Marc said that you would like to hear our stories about our hike." Says the tall lanky one with dark hair. "Oh by the way, I'm Garret, this is Todd and this is Jeff." He says motioning to his left and right. I take a seat at the large table.

"Yea I would love to hear them." I smile. I give Marc a quick glance before I hear these stories.

"Alright." Says Garret. " we were on top of Washington. Winds were at least 80 miles per an hour. Extremely stupid I know. Jeff over here goes to take a drink and as soon as the water hits the top of the bottle it freezes. So we're up there panting like dogs and we can't drink any water cause it's all frozen." He laughs like it's the greatest thing ever. His laugh makes me laugh. We all fall into a fit of laughter. I can barley breathe I'm laughing so hard.

Jackson looks over at all of us laughing and beings to laugh himself. He looks great-full that I'm laughing. I try to remember the last time I have really laughed like this.

It was a few months before all of this, back in March. I was still in high school but I begged my parents to let me work opening week, it would also my first time really working at the huts. So Jackson and I hike up here and we unlock the door and we look around and stuff. We open the door to the staff bunk room and we're dusting stuff off and all of a sudden Jackson freezes. A look of pure terror comes across his face.

"Kat." He whispers softly. "Spider." I look over to the wall and there is this massive black hairy spider on the wall. We both just stare at it. The thing was the size of a golf ball. Jackson slowly backs up behind me and tries to shove me into the wall but I step out of the way and he goes flying into the wall while I run out of the room. I trip and fall just outside of the door and Jackson comes running behind me but ends up tripping over my arm. We both just sat on the ground hysterically laughing and crying for a good 7 minutes.

" What did you guys do?" I finally ask, as I wipe the tears off of my eyes.

"We hauled ass back down to the hut with our water bottles down our pants." Laughs Garret. Once again We all sit there laughing.

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