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"What do you mean leaving?" Azari asked.

"Leaving? As in leaving here? But- but we've never left here." Pym said unsure. Tony sighed.

"Get to the control center. We don't have much time. Vision will explain," he ordered.

"Vision? What about you?" James said. JARVIS started to say that Avengers were being turned offline. That can't be good, judging by the horror in Tony's face.

"You have to get to the control center!" He shouted. Although I really hated to leave him behind, I trusted him. He was doing what was best for all of us. We all ran off out of the workshop, against our wills of course. We kept running.

"Iron Thor, offline." JARVIS stated.

"We shouldn't have left him!" Torunn exclaimed, stopping.

"He told us to. We have to get to the control center. That's what he said," argued Azari. Torunn gave him a look, but continued running.

"Iron Panther, offline." Sirens kept buzzing off, making my ears ring. I tried to ignore it while we ran, but it just seemed to get louder. I couldn't take it anymore and I stopped, covering my ears with my hands, trying to block out the sound. Tears started to blur my vision, and I fell to my knees, squeezing my eyes shut. The more I tried to block it out, the more it would bounce back.

James looked back and saw me, panic and worry starting to overcome him. He immediately turned around and ran back to my crumpled form. He placed his hands over mine and pulled me into an embrace. A few tears fell, but James quickly wiped them away.

"Shh, hey, it's ok. Everything's gonna be alright. I promise." He kept whispering soothing words to me and I slowly collected myself.

"Keep going." I nodded and he helped me get up and running again. When the sirens got loud, I blocked them out with the sound of James quick footsteps and heavy breathing.

"Thank you," I said. He nodded and ran faster. I grabbed his hand and flew into the air, catching up with the others. I set him down gently and continued running.

"Those robots, the Iron Avengers, why are they going offline?" James asked.

"The enemy has developed an ability to infect machinery, corrupting and overriding its programming with his own. There is a high probability that the Iron Avengers have been compromised," Vision stated. The robot version of my dad was strangely calm, it was unnerving.

"Iron Black Panther, offline." We stopped.

"That was the last of them. Ultron will be coming for us now," Vision added.

Pym nearly dropped his head.

"W-w-w-w-wait, Ultron, really? Ultron is coming? Here?!" Pym said, bewildered.

"You just had to jinx it, didn't you, Pym?" Just then, there was a loud bang, and all of a sudden there was an explosion in the sky, causing large pieces of metal debris to fall on us.

Torunn and I acted quickly and grabbed the boys, flying them out of the way. But we lost our balance and tumbled to the ground. The landing was rough. When I finally sat up, though it hurt, everything around me was in flames, with little shots of cold. My ears were ringing and the sirens were still blaring. This time, there was no blocking it out.

"James," I said. "James." I shook him awake. When his eyes finally popped open he sat up. We realized that there was something falling from where all the debris came from. It was cold, and wet, and melted when it touched the ground or our skin.

Snow. I've never seen snow before. I've heard about it, but never actually seen it. Then the sky went dark, and a set of red emergency lights came on all across the sanctuary.

A bright red light came from the sky and slowly started descending. All of us quickly stood up, gazing up at the strange figure in the sky. The landing caused smoke and dust to form a cloud around us, shielding the figure from sight.

When the dust cleared, I nearly screamed.

Ultron. He started to walk toward us. I wanted to scream, but no sound came out. I was frozen in place.

"Children, unexpected. Assessment: potential threats. Commencing termination." Ultron stated. James pushed me behind him for protection. Ultron was about to shoot a laser beam at us, but James and I activated our shields and braced for impact.

But it never came.

Just as he was about to shoot, Iron Man came out of the forestry and grabbed his head, throwing Ultron into the trees. He blasted him with a laser of his own from his chest.

"The Knight, Iron Man." Pym said in awe. I think he was a little starstruck. Then his mask slid up, revealing Tony.

"Get to the control center. I'll hold him off," He ordered.

"Tony?" James said. Ultron emerged in the air out of the trees. James was deeply concerned for the old man, and I wouldn't blame him.

"I'll be right behind you. Go!" Tony said. Then he flew up to fight Ultron. We had no choice but to follow his orders.

I realized my mistake with the last chapter, but it's deleted so everything is fixed now. Thanks for sticking with the story, even though there are some things that don't add up, but I made them that way for a reason, I promise. And I also made a huge character backstory change so I'm changing things to revolve around it.

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