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Once we figured it out (an hour later), we could finally get a little bit of rest. I lied down on the floor of the jet while everyone else slept in their seats. James and I were the only ones awake.

"Hey, you wanna sit here instead of down there?" James asked.

"I don't know. I don't want to force you to sit down here." I said.

"It's alright. Here," he scoot over so there was a space where I could sit. Luckily, the seat was wide enough for two people to sit- pretty snugly I might add. He gave me a look that said he insisted, and I couldn't argue with that, so I got up and sat in the seat, next to him. With the silence came along thoughts of home. Or at least what was home. Just a few hours ago I was sitting by my waterfall sketching.

Oh no. I left my drawings! How could I forget them? After a moment, James spoke up.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked.

"I just remembered I left my drawings back in my bungalow at the sanctuary." I said. It took me so long to make those drawings. And now they're probably lost forever.

"You mean these drawings?" Then he pulled out a small bundle of folded up papers from his pocket. I snatched them from his fingertips and carefully unfolded them. Sure enough they were my drawings. The ones I had hidden away were still at the Sanctuary. But I didn't tell him that. Right now, they didn't matter.

"How?" I asked.

"I know how much those mean to you, so when we were in my bungalow when the alarms first went off after Vision arrived, I went ahead and snatched them up, right before we left to follow Tony to the workshop." He explained.

"Oh my gods, I love you, I love you, I love you!" I said wrapping my arms around him. He was caught off guard at first, but he relaxed and returned the embrace. Once we pulled away, I scanned over my drawings. I had ones of the others, my parents, myself, James, the sanctuary, and my personal favorite, a group drawing. I smiled at the memories they brought back. God I miss it already.

James and I talked for a while before I felt my own eyelids become heavy. I rested my head on James' shoulder, with his arm wrapped around me and his head resting on mine. With that, I let sleep overcome me.

"Alex, Alex wake up..." Someone kept repeating my name. I groaned a bit, but opened my eyes. James was gently nudging me with his arm to wake me. As soon as I realized where I fell asleep, I flushed.

"Good you're awake." James smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, would you mind telling me why?" I asked groggily.

Pym suddenly got all up in my face. "We're here! Ultra City!" He said. I pushed him away laughing softly.

"Okay, I'm up." I said.

We could see the City through the window. It looked so big. And not like how I expected. There were towers and glistening buildings made of shiny silver metal, machines flying all over the place. We flew past a bunch of large rocks, but they weren't rocks at all. They split open and a camera focused on us. Then on the borders of the city, cannons fired missiles. They acted fast, and hit the jet before we could react. Torunn and I quickly grabbed the boys in midair. Torunn got Azari and I had James. Pym shrunk down and flew himself, holding Visions' head.

"That was close." Pym said.

"No kidding." James replied.

"Okay, fine. So maybe they would've attacked us." Azari said. They all retaliated with a look saying I told you so. I must've missed that conversation.

We landed somewhere in Ultra City. It's kinda hard to know where you are when everything looks the same in this place. When we somehow maneuvered through to the heart of the city, or what we thought was the heart of the city, we turned into some sort of closed alleyway and peeked through the other side, making sure to stay of sight. I stood next to my sister as we gazed upon the reflecting city.

"Big." Pym said. That pretty much summed it up.

"Hereth be the plan," said Torunn after a few moments of us just staring at the magnificent city.

"I don't think 'heareth' is right." Pym said.

"Shut up Pym," she snapped, "Here's the plan. We fight our way through the city, get to Ultron, smite him, free Tony." Well that was straightforward.

"That plan is insane on several levels. We can't beat Ultron." James exclaimed.

"I am immortal and invulnerable. Ultron holds no fear for me. Besides, my father watches over me." She declared.

"You don't know that you're invulnerable!" James argued, but Torunn ignored him.

"For Asgard!" She yelled. Then she jumped and used her sword to destroy one of Ultron's machines. It exploded into giant pieces of flaming metal.

Real subtle.

"Tell me she didn't just do that." James said.

"She did." Azari and I said. James looked like he mentally face palmed.

"Torunn!" I shouted! I was about to go after her, but James stopped me.

"What are you doing? That's my sister, I have to help her!" I protested. "You and I both know that she can't fight out there alone."

"Yes, I know. And we will. Come on, but stay behind me." James said. I reluctantly nodded and followed him with Azari and Pym following suit.

"Torunn!" James yelled. She didn't even hesitate. She just kept fighting. She may be tough, but she is stubborn.

We quickly climbed down the never ending wall of machinery to go and help her. But we were too slow. I was too scared to fly. Especially now.

Torunn had destroyed another few robots, but they kept coming. A flying one brought in a whole another fleet of robots. All of them started to shoot bullets at her. While she was distracted, another flying robot came and shot a very powerful laser at her. It left scratches on her arms and her armor. She looked down at herself in disbelief.

"How?" She whispered. Then it shot again, and she cried out.

"Torunn!" I shouted in terror.

"No!" Pym yelled. Then he shot and destroyed a robot of his own. Azari used a bolt of electricity to destroy another robot, and James supersized his shield to protect us from the flaming rubble.

Then the Iron Giant Man robot came crashing down on Torunn, crushing her.

"NO!" I yelled. There were tears threatening to spill over. I tried to run to her, but James stopped me. I was so shocked, I just leaned on him. I wasn't sure what to do.

When the Iron Giant Man stepped off of her, she was lying on the ground, still clutching her sword. When she finally opened her eyes, Iron Thor grabbed her face and picked her up, her screaming with every movement. Then he threw her back down again. Her sword lodged itself in the ground next to her, out of reach. I watched in horror as she became defenseless.

"We have to help her! We have to-" Azari was cut off by shots being fired at us by the other Iron Avengers. We couldn't help her. Not now.

Suddenly, a spot in the metal wall opened and something grabbed Azari, pulling him with.

"Azari, Azari!" James yelled. Then the same happened to Pym.

Then me. I screamed.

"Alex!" James shouted. I tried to reach out to him, but it was no use. I was pulled into darkness.

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