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"Alex, Alex, wake up." Slowly, my eyes fluttered open. Torunn was gently shaking me awake. "We're here."

I immediately sat up and opened my eyes. She showed me to the door and I joined the others outside. We were on a cliff, behind rocks, hidden. There was a large clearing with a cave towards the top of the cliff, and we started to make our way inside.

"Hey, it might be best if you get behind me. We don't know what kind of monster we're dealing with." James said. I nodded; although he was being a little strangely overprotective, he had some truth in his words

As we entered the cave, I went behind James, as promised, later coming across a large room, decorated with several plants and water runners. It was the most peaceful place i have ever seen, and possibly ever will see, if we hope to make it out of this alive. It was beautiful. There stood an old man in the center of this paradise, about Tony's age, with grey hair. He seemed to be meditating. What I wouldn't give to feel relaxed for once.

"Bruce." The old man whirled around, startled.

"Aw, come on! That's the Hulk? The big, scary monster? I could beat him up!" Pym said. Idiot!

"No. No, no, no, no. Get out. Get out of here. Please, for your own sakes, you have to get away from me." Bruce said. James pushed me further behind him, my hands pressed firmly on his back, slightly gripping his shirt. If this man really is a monster, how much of one is he? We have to be careful, or else he could snap. We really have no idea what we're dealing with, so all precautionary measures must be taken. This fight could turn around real fast.

"Nuts, anyone?" Hawkeye said to no one in particular.

"Bruce it's me, it's-"

"Get out of here, Stark!" Bruce interrupted him. His breathing started to get heavy. The boundaries were being pushed, a little more and all hell could break loose.

"Bruce? It's ok, breathe," Betty soothed.

"Betty?" Bruce whispered.

"Well he's sorta scary, I guess," Pym said.

"Shut up, Pym," Azari told him harshly. Thank you.

"Shh, it's okay. Breathe. Let it go. We don't want you to get angry."

James turned to Tony. "What happens when he gets angry?" James asked him.

"Anger makes the Hulk come out." Tony replied, glancing at me peeking over James' shoulder.

A long while had passed, and we were sitting around a small fire, drinking tea to somewhat help keep Bruce calm, but also the rest of us in light of earlier events. The tea wasn't much, just made out of whatever could be grown from such a hostile place, but it was still incredible in a way that was different to me, the whole place has really felt more homey than anywhere else I can remember.

"You can't be here. It's too dangerous. The Hulk is too dangerous," Bruce was very intent on staying out of this war, and I respect that, but we need his help if we're ever going to have a chance at winning it.

"It's okay, Bruce. We just had to get out of the city," Tony assured.

"Can the Hulk defeat Ultron?" James suddenly asked. Great, now we're surely doomed at this point.

"James-" Tony scolded.

"The Hulk doesn't care about Ultron, boy," Bruce spat, "He just wants to be left alone. I've put you all in danger. I have to stay here, I have to keep the Hulk inside. When the Hulk comes out, bad things happen. The Hulk won't help you. And neither will I." Then he got up and left. A while later, the only people left around the fire were me and Azari. We were talking about some of our favorite moments in the Sanctuary, and I gave him the portrait drawing I did of him. One of many I had to distribute in fear of them losing their artist before making it to their muse.

It was nice to talk like this. It had been a while since it finally felt safe enough to put our guard down for a short while, even with the current circumstances.

"Where do you think everyone else went?" Azari asked.

"I don't hear them through the halls, so probably out by the cliff. Come on, let's go join them." I said. Azari got up first, offering a hand to pull me up, which I gratefully took, and followed him out of the cave. Azari traced his finger along the cave wall, producing electricity to light the way as we went along. When we arrived at the end of the cave, everyone else was there too. Looks like I was right.

Torunn was sitting on the edge of the cliff, Hawkeye was tinkering with one of his arrows, and Pym was sitting on a rock.

But I didn't see James. Where is he?

I sighed. "So where do you think we'll go now?"

"Tony wants us to hide but-" Azari started.

"He's right. We have to run. We have to hide, we can't beat Ultron," Torunn interrupted.

"Yes we can. And we have to." James suddenly appeared at the top of the cave, looking down at all of us. "We can't hide anymore, Torunn. If we don't stand up to Ultron, who will? If we don't protect people like the Scavengers, who will? We have to make a stand. The longer we wait, the more powerful Ultron becomes. He'll never stop hunting us. He'll never stop coming after Tony. We've got to stop him." He slid down the side and jumped to the ground, looking all of us in the eye, one by one. A gaze I recognize. The same one he had when we went to rescue Tony. He was determined, determined to get this over with, but how he's planning to go about it, that I guess we'll find out.

"We owe it to our parents. We're all that's left of their legacy.

"The Hulk is the strongest one there is. So if the Hulk won't go to Ultron, then we'll bring Ultron to the Hulk." Silence. "Okay, so Hawkeye said that Ultron is wired into every one of his machines. If we power up the ship so Ultron can sense it, he'll come runnin'." James finished.

"I think that's the most words you've ever said in a row," Pym pointed out. I couldn't deny that I totally agree with him, but no one has to know that.

"Okay, remember when I called Bruce nuts? You got him beat," Hawkeye said. I rolled my eyes. This plan is absolutely insane, but if it works...

"I know we can do this. We can do it together." James said. I couldn't stop the small smile that was making an appearance.

"No! I can't!" Torunn shouted, flying faster than the speed of light to reach James, then quickly flew into the cave, blowing a gust of wind and dust into our faces, causing us all to shield ourselves from the loose debris. I was about to go after her, but James held his arm out and stopped me.

"She'll be okay. She just needs time," He assured. Then he smiled at the rest of us. "Are you in?" James awaited our response, consisting of smirks and nods from the group.

"I hope you're right about this," Azari said to James, taking two of the power cables, one in each hand.

"That makes two of us," He replied. I'm gonna smack him for that later.

"Better make it three." I added. Azari gripped the cables and used his electricity to power the ship. Soon, Tony came rushing out to us.

"No... James, what've you done?" Tony said as he rushed out of the cave upon hearing the sound of the ship engines running.

We were all gathered on the head of the ship. "What are parents would've wanted. Now, who wants to tell the Hulk?" James asked. We all looked at him, not saying a word.

"This was your idea," I said. Even if James wasn't chosen, I'm pretty sure Tony would've made him tell Bruce anyway. He sighed, the decision being made, and we walked back into the cave.


It's been a minute. I know. But, I'm here now and updates will be coming more often, and I'm also getting close to the ending! Yay!

Just a few more chapters, and it will be over. Wow.

Thanks for sticking with me for all these months. Progress has been inching along ever so slowly, but still. I hope you enjoy this chapter and the ones to come.

Love you and thank you!


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