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I saw her. I saw it happen. I fucking hated it. She looked so hurt and helpless on the floor. I wanted to run out there to help her so badly but..I just couldn't. I don't know what was holding me back. Maybe my image? I don't want to be seen with the "unpopular" girl, but in my mind I know that's wrong, and it shouldn't matter. I've been watching her. When she walks and talks. The way her dark hair falls carelessly over her shoulders. Or when she laughs she just has the cutest smile. She looks like her curves would just fit perfectly with me. But who am I kidding? Im just a stupid jock. Well, that's what anyone else would say about me. I am actually capable of feelings though. And I do have them, strong ones, for Amanda. But I can't work it up to talk to her. I drive myself home wondering what it would be like if I could talk to her. And be close to her, so she could have a shoulder to lean on... Tomorrow. Tomorrow I will talk to her

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