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I wanted so badly to tell him about the way my parents treat me but I can't let Cole know how dirty I am. How I let them push me around and im too much of a coward to get help. I can't let him know how weak I am. He would never want to be with me if he found out what my life is like. I must keep it a secret.

It's 6 o'clock and I haven't eaten in a while so I decide to eat some leftover Chinese food that my parents had one night. Surprisingly it's still good even though it's been a couple of days.

I sit eating at the table when my mom busts through the door. Not again. She walks halfway into the kitchen before noticing my full plate of food. "Oh. So you think it's okay to just eat whatever the fuck you want now?! How do you know I want going to eat that? I work everyday to pay for you and this is how you repay me??! You don't need to eat anyway. You are overweight and never do anything!! Go to your room now!"
I scurry away thankful she made me just go to my room instead of hitting me. Last time she caught me eating she hit me more than 100 times with the belt, I counted. Then she told me to leave the house and run until it was time to sleep. She hates me but doesn't want to let me leave or run away. It's like I'm just her little toy she can hit and play with whenever she wants.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 08, 2017 ⏰

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