Chapter 22

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Calum's POV 

As I parked the SUV in front of the gang Stella immediately got out an went to the front. I jumped out of the drivers seat locked the door so I could catch up with her.  She ran up the front door an slammed it open damn that girl is angry I thought to myself. 

I ran inside to hear someone yelling

"Hey no slamming the door."Ashton yelled 

"Shut up Ashton. " I yelled back

"Hey."Ashton yelled back

"Hi Stella."Ashton said 

"Hey."She mumbled back 

She plopped herself on the couch next to Kayla an pushed Luke out of the way.

"Mate whats wrong with Stella she just took away my girlfriend."Luke said 

"shut up Luke."Stella yelled 

"Children stop using negative language around here."Ashton yelled 

"Shut the fuck up Ashton."I yelled 

"Hey no swearing."Ashton yelled 

" I give up."I said 

I headed up stairs to my room to pack up some things. I packed a couple shirts,black skinnier jeans, boxers, a couple condoms because make up sex duh or regular, basketball shorts, a jacket, and shoes. I shoved that in my duffle bag; as I finished packing I heard a soft knock on the door.I turned around an saw it was  Stella.

"Can I come in."She whispered  

"Yeah have a seat."I said while patting a spot on my bed 

"Look I know your in a gang I know you kill people okay but its hard to see that you kill innocent people."Stella said 

"They aren't innocent people why are so concerned about thus ."I said 

"But my brother got killed an he was innocent a police officer came to my house and told me this that's why I was so hurt  I know I told you all the good times with my brother but I didn't tell you about his death until now."Stella said 

"Stella again I'm sorry about your brother's death but this is my job."I said 

"I know and I have to accepted it."Stella said 

"Can I get a kiss."I asked 

"Yeah."Stella said an pecked my lips 

"That's not a kiss."I said

"Yes it is."Stella said 

"Fine let's go."I said 

I grabbed my duffle bag off the bed an started to head downstairs with Stella by my side. As we reached downstairs. Stella let go of mt hand an hugged the girls goodbye. She came back to me an I intertwined our hand together 

"Bye fuckers see you later."I yelled 

"No swearing."Ashton yelled 

"Shut up."We all yelled 

A/N I am the worst author I am so sorry for not updating in a week or 2 but I just finished summer school so I can post more now yay and I would like this book to end of August or sooner Love you guys 

The Gang leader wants me/Calum Hood #Watty's2016Where stories live. Discover now