Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"Sky! Wake up!" I heard Aria's voice wake me up.

"Ok give me a second." I said groggily and turning over. I didn't want to wake up I was too freaked and tired: freaked because of A and tired because I hardly got any sleep last night.

"Sky. Get. Up!" Aria shouted taking the duvet off me and throwing it onto the floor making me cold.

"Noooo!" I groaned. I opened one eye so I could see what Aria was going to do next. She smirked and walked over to my bed and knelt down.

"Wakey wakey! Rise and shine little bitch." She laughed. This was from Spring Breakers and that's why she was saying it to me.

"I'm up!" I yelled/groaned.

"Good! Get dressed!" She winked at me then sat on her bed playing on her phone.

I stood up from my bed and walked over to the drawers my clothes were in. I picked out a pair of black and white stripe skinny jeans and a black vest top. I also picked out some lingerie and then hopped into the shower. I washed my hair and fill body, I shaved the places you should and then rinsed my body with some vanilla and white chocolate shower gel. When I was finished I turned the shower off and got out quickly wrapping my body with the fluffy towel. I dried my hair and straightened it. I slipped on my clothes and then my nike shoes. After I put on small amounts of make up which consisted of powder, eyeliner, mascara and lipgloss.

When I was finished I sprayed some deodorant, perfume and body spray then picked up my lippy to put in my bag.

I walked back into my room to see Aria in the same position I left her at. I picked up my bag and packed it with all the essentials. I took a quick look at my phone and saw I had a text off A.

From Unknown:

Morning sweetie, sleep well? Of course you didn't. I know, I'm everywhere!
-A xox

I sighed and looked around my room. This was seriously starting to scare me and A proved that last night when they signed me up to sing. It showed me what power A had over me.

I shook my head and saw I had a text off my mom.

From Mom:

Morning x

I replied with a quick 'Morning x' too and then shoved the phone in my bag and made an exit with Aria swiftly grabbing my navy jacket.

We walked out into the breakfast hall and sat down looking at the buffet across the room and then toast already on the table. I had lost my appetite so I just took some toast and buttered it.

"Is that all your having sweetie?" Aria asked.


"What did you just call me?" I asked getting a little afraid! That's what A had called me.

"Sweetie? Is that a problem Sky?" Aria said a little cross.

"Sorry it's just-" I moved closer so no one could hear us.

"A called me that this morning. It's got me kind of jumpy." I whispered finishing off my sentence. She nodded and rubbed my back.

I heard the clinks off metal and glass causing me to look at Mr. Styles. He was wearing a black t shirt showing off his... tattoos? and some light grey skinny jeans with brown boots. His hair was his usually curly/ pushed back look.

"Guys we are visiting the wall where people who are having trouble with love wrote letters to Juliet asking for help. Then for the rest of the day we will be taking a look at the ruins and the culture." He explained.

I sighed knowing that I would have to spend the rest of the day looking at crippled buildings but the thought of the wall was kind of cool, I could read some of the letters people left. My Mom and Dad were married but they didn't really have enough time to spend with each other, sure they worked at the same place but they didn't have much down time.

Gosh now I sound like a therapist. What's happening to me?

I finished off my toast and pulled out my phone, it's seems like, now, every time I pull out my phone I either sigh or jump.

From Unknown:

Ah: Juliet's wall. Come look for me.
-A xox

What's that suppose to mean? Do I have to look for A at Juliet's wall? I'm sick of this, I need to find out who this is.

"Sky, come on." Aria pulled my arm making me stand up.

"Ok let me just get my bag." I fake-smiled.

I picked up my bag and walked with her to the coach. I literally couldn't wait for this trip to be over. I hate Mr. Styles and I hate A, they are both constantly watching and fighting with me.

I sat in my place and waited for my teacher to make the announcement.

"Ok guys while we are at Juliet's wall can you please turn your phones off." He said through a megaphone.

But how is A going to text me? A will be the only one on their phone.

The coach started and we were off.


"We are here." I heard the coach driver Jordan say from the front of the coach.

I walked down the aisle a little nervous about A's next message. I never thought I would let A get to me and I can't start now.

I stepped off the coach and looked over at the wall, there were tourists taking photos and some people reading some of the messages that were left. I strolled over to one letter that was standing out to me, however it was in Italian so I didn't really understand it.

I put it back and looked for another free letter. I found one and at it, again, was in Italian. I sighed having no luck finding a letter that could be in English.

I took out my camera from my bag and started taking pictures of the wall. The wall was about 7ft high and about 20 metres long, the wall was I fact longer but the letter part was only a section.

I smiled and then out the camera in my bag, Aria came running up to me waving a letter in the air.

"Sky! I have a letter in English! You have to read this!" She yelled causing people to look.

"Ok but Aria keep your voice down." I whispered and took the letter from her.

Dear Juliet,

I come to you in a time of great need, in hope that you will help me with my dilemma. I have fallen unconditionally in love with an Italian gentleman named Roberto. My father however disapproves of my chosen lover and is sending me home so I can never see him again. I need to see him and feel him, he was my first and I love him too much to just let him go. He is my soul mate and I his. Please help.

Maria Smith

I was practically in tears reading this. All this poor woman wants is to be with the one she loves but because of her father she can't have that. I wonder what ever happened to her?

"Wow." I gave it back to Aria and wiped away some tears.

"I know. Are you ok?" She asked putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah just give me a minute." I walked away trying to choke back the tears caused by the touched story Maria Smith had explained in her letter to Juliet.

I stared at the ground so no one could see me, sadly that didn't last long; I crashed into something hard and familiar. I looked up to see Mr. Styles looking down at me with a confused face. I scoffed and walked away. I didn't need another lecture from him.

I found a quiet and shaded area away from all my classmates and teachers. I was so caught up with the wall that I forgot about the next radioactive text from A. I pulled my phone out my pocket and saw I didn't have anything. I waited knowing since I walked off I would probably have one.

Then my phone buzzed.

From Unknown:

Crying over me? You will be bitch!
- A xox

I gasped and quickly ran back to where everyone was to try and look for someone on their phone. I stood and watched looking for anyone I knew on their phone but it was all a blur. Then finally I spotted someone locking their phone and slipping it into their pocket.

It can't be.

Mr. Styles is A?


Hello! Another chapter for this. This isn't your normal teacher story I will just tell you that now. I once looked for all the teacher story's cos I thought they were cool and dramatic! But I only found a few. I really hope your liking this one. ;)

That was a long speech. Thanks if you read these authors notes :).



"Days like these lead to, nights like this lead to, love like ours you light the spark in my..."




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