Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I gazed at myself in the mirror, making final checks on my outfit for the club.

School wasn't as bad today; I didn't have English. I stayed as far away from him as possible making this day much easier.

I had at least 10 minutes so I decided to observe my outfit: light denim shorts, checked shirt ties at the bottom so it showed my belly, dark red braces and white nikes.

My makeup was light browns but a little dark because of my eyeliner and my lips were a light sparkly pink. I sprayed on some deodorant and perfume, then I picked up my phone, fake ID card and about thirty quid and put it in my pocket. I put on some bracelets and a my eagle ring along with my heart necklace.

I heard the door bell ring, I knew it was Shay so I turned my bedroom light off and walked down stairs only to meet her at the door.

"Hey babe, nice look." She smiled her perfect smile, I am not gonna lie, Shay is practically flawless.

"Thanks, thought I would change it up." I smirked and we entered her car straight after I had locked the door.


The music was loud and I could feel the bass in my pulse. I moved my body with Shay's and a few randomers to the seducing beat of 'Who owns my heart' by Miley Cyrus. I love Miley but she has got a bit out of hand since she chopped her hair off. We had been here about an hour and I hadn't even drunk anything.

I felt someone put their hand on my thigh making me turn round and meet their sick smile.

"Alright darling." He said with a low and husky voice. This bloke must have been at least 30. He was disgusting; he had on a white shirt that was unbuttoned showing his beer belly, a pair of trousers that had holes in them and a pair of trainers. I could smell alcohol on his breath and just by smell it I probably could have gotten drunk- that's how bad it was!

I felt the strangers hand move dangerously near my crotch making me squeal a little but non one would've been able to hear me, I was drown out by the music.

I took his hands away from me and started making my way out of the crowd. The song was swiftly changed to blurred lines making everyone dancing more which unfortunately made it harder for me to get out.

I felt a hand tug on my wrist, I turned around to see the bloke smirking at me.

"Now now sweetheart not so fast, lets just have some fun. Your hot." His voice was like a thousand needles being put into my forehead.

"Leave me alone." I stated quite firmly.

"Nah darling." His grin went from smirk to evil. "We are gonna have some fun." He winked and started pulling me into him. I had no choice, I tried to resist as best as I could but it just wasn't working. I took my foot and stamped it as hard as I could on top of his, the man growled in pain so took this as a chance to get out of his grip and run. I kept running until I reached the bar area. How the fuck did Shay find this place it's huge!?

I looked around to see if I could find the man and sighed in relief when I couldn't. I struggled to keep my breaths even but I managed I slow down their pace.

"Did loose me yet honey." I heard his voice once again making me mentally kick myself for not just leaving the goddamn place.

"Just leave me alone." I almost cried, this guy was beginning to get on my nerves. A girl who is holding enough to be his daughter had rejected him and yet he is trying. Damn he is persistent.

"No!" He shouted. I saw a few people were keeping a close eye on mine and the strangers encounter.

I started backing up as he carried on walking towards me, muttering 'stop' and 'leave me alone' however I don't think he heard me because he didn't stop. I don't think it would've made a difference anyways.

I felt my back hit something hard, I first thought it was a person, until the mystery person turned around.

"I'm sor- Mr. Styles?" The person I walked into was Mr. Styles. What was he doing here? Then I remembered, he is young for a teacher.

"You ok Skylar?" He asked eying up the man in front of me.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said with all the confidence I had left in me, which wasn't very much.

"Are you sure." Mr. Styles turned towards me.

"I'm fi-" I was cut off by his horrible voice.

"She says she is fine man! Now if you don't mind.". The stranger practically growled and started making his way over to me.

Mr. Styles stood in front of me and gave the man a death glare.

"Leave her alone." His husky voice said making me feel a little bit safe.

"What if I don't?" The man spoke smirking.

"You don't wanna know." Mr. Styles stated clearly, this was a side to a teacher I have never seen before and I certainly didn't like it.

"Is that a threat?" He laughed. "Maybe we can share the little slut." that hurt, I am NOT a slut, I have never slept with anyone. The most I have done is grind against someone in California but that wasn't half as bad as what others were doing!

The sound of glass breaking made me snap oh of my thoughts and look over to the sight in front of me.

Mr. Styles on top of the stranger.


Holy fuck! What do I do?

"Mr. Styles stop!" I screamed as loud as I could but my teacher didn't hear me.

That sounds weird!

He carried on connecting his fist with the man that had previously eye raped me. God knows what he would have done if Mr. Styles wasn't there?

That sounds weird too.

"Please stop!" I grabbed his arm but he just pulled away and connected it with the strangers blood soaked face.

I tried shouting again but it was no use. Tears started pouring down my face. I didn't know what to do! I looked around and saw some of Mr. Styles friends trying to pull him away but nothing happened.

So I did what I always did.

I ran away.


Oooooohhhhh now this story begins!




"White clips pale face, breathing in snow flakes."




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