Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Its time.

It's time for English. I have been dreading this last lesson all day. The rest of the day was a blur of yes and no answers and not eating, all leading up to this period.

After yesterday, I didn't even want to know that Mr. Styles existed let alone know he was standing at the top of the classroom writing out text we are analysing today as unpacked my equipment. I didn't want to look at him. Aria was absent today and I have no idea why, she has shut off her phone and the other girls don't know what's happened either- she has dropped off the face of the earth, socially that is. I looked at the board one more time and decided to shut my mind off completely, maybe this way I wouldn't have to think too much?

When my mother found Mr. Styles' clothing in the bin yesterday, I thought I was done for! All A would have to do is send my mother a little message explaining whose clothes they were and he and I would be done for; thankfully when she just shook her head and started muttering something about my father 'finally sorting through his clothes' I guess you could say all almost collapsed in relief.

Finishing my essay, I discreetly pulled my phone out of my bag and slid my thumb across the screen to put in the password. I hid it on my lap so my teacher wouldn't see, also so he wouldn't have an excuse to hold me back after class. I stared at the screen at the haunting message I received last night. Much to my annoyance, after I threw my phone last night, ironically, it has never worked better. I stared at the photo, for some reason, last night I couldn't bring myself to delete it; it made feel in a way that I was normal, I was a normal girl with a normal boyfriend, it made me feel like I had a normal life. None of this A bullcrap.

I shook my head and deleted the entire message completely; wanting to forget the message was ever sent to me. I can't ever do something like that with Mr. Styles ever again, I can't keep this up. The bell rung awakening me from my thoughts (I really shouldn't shut my mind off; it obviously didn't work!) When walking out of the class I stayed in front of some students to make sure he wouldn't grab my arm and pull me back like yesterday. I trailed past him pretending he wasn't even there.


I threw my bag on the bed and started on my homework, I put my phone in my rusty old dock- I really need a room makeover; everything in here is so old and childish- I am all for it but I need some stuff that's a little more mature. I hit shuffle and 'Look After You' by The Fray started playing, I nodded my head to the beat and wrote out my work.

"Darling?" My mother knocked on the door and waltzed into my room looking all prim and proper. I looked up to show I was paying attention.

"Your father isn't feeling very well- poor thing! So he can't cook tonight we are having takeout, I am just about to go get it." She told me, yeah sure my father wasn't 'feeling very well' he is probably hung over and my blind as a bat mother can't seem to figure it out, she is clever, too clever and somehow she can't see what's right in front of her face.

"Okay." I faked a smile and carried on with my work. Part of me wants to know what's going on with my father but the other part of me just wants to stay out of it.

Dinner couldn't have gotten any more awkward. Everyone was silent and my mother just kept staring at my father, my guesses it she has figured it out- I swear I am jinxed! I am staring at them through the window as I put our rubbish in the right recycling bins, just from outside they look cold towards each other- I wonder how my mother figured it out? Maybe she saw my father doing something, either way I know she is plotting someway to slip it into conversation.

Suddenly I heard a loud crash and ran inside to see a smashed plate on the floor and the foreign scene of my parents fighting. They threw insults at each other like they were nothing, the venom of the harsh words dripping from their tones even hurt me, they obviously couldn't tell I was standing right in front of them watching their un loving encounter. I had never heard my parents swear and use these type of insults before and it honesty shocked me, how they were used in this topic. I decided to give them space and move into the living room, but I was still in hearing range so I could hear every vulgar word.

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