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1 year later...

"You ready?" Jack asked me as I was slipping my feet into my boots with my arm on his shoulder. Tonight was our biggest show ever. We had a special trick up our sleeves.

"As I'll ever be." I replied. He smiled at me as I took my arm off his shoulder. I checked myself once again in the full-length mirror.

I was in a pair of black skinny jeans, a white tub-top with a long zipper at the back, a short black blazer and my knee-high black leather boots. I let out a deep breath and got into my position.

I heard the announcer start off by introducing us one by one. "Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome, the Five Horsemen!" He finished. I followed Henley out onto the stage. All I heard were people screaming. Tonight's stage was a circle shape that was placed in the middle of the MGM Grand. The middle was raised a little bit higher off of the ground than the piece that rimmed the inner circle was.

Danny went up to the raised stage as Merritt, Jack, Henley and I walked around it. "Thank you!" Merritt called out as the introductions finished.

"Tonight we would like to try something that well, will, set us a bit apart." He continued.

"For our final trick," Henley called out.

"We're going to do something never before seen on a Las Vegas stage." I said finishing for Henley.

"Or any stage for that matter," Jack corrected.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," Danny began. "We are going to rob a bank." The crowd went ecstatic.

"That's a lot of excitement for crime." I noted to the crowd.

"I'm excited, what about you people?" Henley yelled out after my note.

"Okay, Okay!" Danny said making an attempt to calm the audience down. "Now, please, please, settle down."

"Now who here has a bank they would like us to rob?" Danny asked. The crowd had quieted down, but they started jumping up and down waving their hands in the air.

"That's a lot of people with a vendetta." He said causing me to let out a small chuckle. "So we'll choose one at random." Merritt, Jack and I grabbed the nearby bowls containing Ping-Pong balls. Henley went to go stand with Danny on the stage. "My associates will make sure it's random." Danny told the crowd.

"And I though we we're friends." I yelled back out to him earning a laugh from everyone. Danny just rolled his eyes and continued with the show.

"In Jack's bowl are the Ping-Pong balls with the section numbers, Jack could you throw me a section number?" He told us. Jack took the ball that the audience member chose and tossed it to Danny. "Thank you." He said as he caught the ball. "Okay, we are looking at section B." He called. Cheers rose up from a section in the auditorium.

"Merritt, can you give me a row number?" Danny told Merritt. Merritt tossed him a ball and he let Henley catch this one. "Thanks Merritt, we're looking at row number 5." Henley called out. This time, only the people in row 5 cheered.

"And Freya, can you toss me a random seat number?" Danny called out to me. I took the ball from a man that picked it and threw it at Danny as hard as I could.

"Right, Lucky number 13." He called out.

"B-5-13, where are you?" Henley asked.

A man closer to the lower section of section B stood up. "There you are." Danny said as the man stood up. "Hi! Could you just confirm to me that this is in fact your seat?" He asked. Danny gestured to the 3 balls in his hand. The man turned around and turned back to us nodding.

The Closer You Look || Jack WilderWhere stories live. Discover now