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I was laying in the back seat of the car while Jack drove us to Central Park. It was almost midnight, so I was sure that people won't be there.

"Jack," I asked him pocketing my phone and wrapping my arms around the back of his neck.

"Yeah?" He replied. I put my head on his right shoulder.

"What are we going to do when this is all over?" I wondered.

"I don't know. Our plans run out after tonight." He responded. "Whatever we want I guess."

"What happens to us?" I asked again. This was really the part I had to know about.

"Well I took me more than a year for me to round up the courage to kiss you, so I'm not going to let you go, I love you." He replied. I grinned for about the millionth time tonight.

"You're so sweet." I added. "You didn't get that from a movie right?" He laughed.

"Nope. That came from the heart." He said back.

"Aww, I love you too."

We stood now in Central Park. We were with our fellow friends again looking for a tree.

"What if this is all was just leading up to us getting mugged in Central Park at 2 a.m.?" Merritt asked. I laughed and continued shining my flashlight everywhere so I could see.

"No, I'm telling you. We're right where we need to be." Danny replied going around a tree. "We just have to find..."

"That?" Henley asked pointing her flashlight at a card encased in glass that was in the middle of the tree.

"The Lionel Shrike Tree." I breathed out.

"What do we do now?" Merritt asked. Henley grabbed her tarot card from her pocket. We all followed after her. We quickly stacked our cards on top of one another's. The cards in her hand glowed and turned holographic. The symbols mixed together forming a symbol of and eye. Henley waved the cards over the glass.

We all snapped back around hearing the carousel's music and lights turn on. I gripped Jack's hand as we walked closer to the carousel. I wasn't afraid of the dark, just things out there in the dark. Jack looked down at our intertwined fingers and he just smiled pulling my closer to his body. We stopped outside the carousel, seeing someone unexpected waiting for us.

Agent Rhodes.

"Oh my god!" Merritt exclaimed. "I did not see that coming! That's impossible" Rhodes nodded while he smiled at our reactions.

"No way!" Jack breathed.

"That was actually pretty good." Danny complemented.

"Thank you." Dylan replied.

"When I said always be the smartest guy in the room..." Danny paused.

"We were in agreement." Dylan finished.

"Henley." Dylan greeted. Henley said nothing but just kept staring.

"I have never seen her speechless before." I told Dylan.

"I take that as a compliment." Dylan said shaking Henley's hand.

"Hey man," Jack began nervously. "I'm so sorry for kicking your ass. Really." We all laughed as Dylan nodded his head.

"It's good to see you two are finally together." He complimented about Jack and I. I smiled as Jack wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Hey, listen for the record." Merritt began sounding like he was going to say something stupid. "I have always been a 100% believer and the amount of energy I have expended to keep these infidels on point," Merritt stopped as Henley whacked him in the arm.

"Merritt," Dylan said. "You're in."

"God bless." Merritt nodded.

"Come." Dylan said leading us to the carousel. "The real magic is taking five; strong solo acts and making them all work together." Jack and I swung our arms that were still connected between us.

"And that's exactly what you did." Dylan told us opening the gates to the ride. "So welcome to the Eye." With that, he grabbed one of the poles and hopped onto the ride. We all looked at each other before hopping over the railing. Jack and I hopped on first.

I caught a glimpse of Henley and Danny holding hands. I smiled. I knew something would happen between them. I felt Jack grab my wrist and turn me around to face him.

"So what now?" He asked me.

"Just like you said, whatever we want." I replied. We smiled at each other and he pulled me in for a passionate kiss. I could get used to this life.


The Closer You Look || Jack WilderWhere stories live. Discover now