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I sat in an enclosed room alone, hand-cuffed to a table. The chains were just long enough that I could fiddle with the end of my hair. Who knew that the FBI thought magic was a crime? Well, we stole almost 3 million dollars, but who knew right!

After a few minutes of fiddling with my hair, almost falling asleep and singing a various amount of childish songs, someone finally came in. Well, 2 someone's. A man with greying hair and stubble on his chin and wore a black suit and tie. The woman he came in with had short blonde hair and wore a pants suit.

"A pants suit? Really? I didn't even know they made those anymore." I commented as they both sat down. The woman gave me an annoyed smile, but didn't say anything.

"I'm Dylan Rhodes, this is Alma Dray." The man told me.

"I would introduce myself, but I'm pretty sure you know who I am." I responded to his intro.

"Let's forget intros." He said. "How did you rob a bank in Paris, from Las Vegas?"

"You sound annoyed, did you already talk to Danny?" I asked them hearing the desperation in Agent Rhodes' voice.

"How'd you know?" Alma Dray asked me.

"He got on my nerves about 5 minutes after I met him, I took a wild guess." I replied. She gave a light chuckle making Rhodes glare between us.

"Back to my story, how'd you do it?" He asked me again sounding more serious than the first time.

"I figure Danny already gave you the whole 'The closer you look the less you see', so I'll spare you the details." I started using quotes in the air. "Magic."

Rhodes groaned while Alma dropped her head to her chest.

"Did I say something wrong?" I asked probably sounding like a 3-year old answering a question during class.

"Everyone said that." Alma told me.

"Well, it's the truth. I speak nothing but it." I replied to her beginning to fiddle with my fingers.

"Well, the man you hypnotized is having a great time re-enacting Mozart, so I don't think you did it that way." Rhodes told me.

"That was Merritt who did that and we did do it like that." I replied I believe sounding really snarky.

"That's it; I've had enough of this." Rhodes retorted standing up from his chair, followed by Alma.

"Nice to meet you too!" I called out as they left the room.

After waiting for a few more minutes they finally un-cuffed me. I was busy rubbing my wrists when Henley came out of her interrogation room.

"Hey, how'd it go?" She asked me as she sat down beside me.

"Peachy, yourself?" I answered.

"That pretty much sums it up, so peachy." She replied.

We chatted while waiting for Jack, Danny and Merritt to come out. "So, Merritt told me what happened last night." Henley said to me.

"What happened last night?" I asked her while braiding a strand of my hair.

"With you and Jack." She replied. I dropped my hair and faced her with my jaw dropped open.

"Nothing happened with Jack and me last night." I told her putting an emphasis on nothing.

"Okay..." She replied trailing off of the topic.

"Henley..." I replied raising my eyebrows. She looked back at me giving me an innocent smile. I smiled back at her and draped my arm over her shoulders.

The door on my left opened and the 3 guys stepped in. I saw Jack yawn. "What'd you do, sleep?" I asked him getting up, dragging Henley with me. He nodded tiredly.

"Wow." I replied trying to sound surprised. We all piled out the door to the awaiting cars at the curb.

Once again, we all had to squeeze into one car. I was of course the last one in, meaning I didn't have a seat.

"Pick a lap." Danny told me. I immediately started shaking my head.

"Hen will sit on your lap." I turned my head to face Henley.

"You're the youngest so you have to sit on someone's lap."She protested

"Jacks my age why can't he do it."

"Because you weigh less than feathers, so just sit on Jacks lap."

"Fine." I sighed and Jack smirked.

The Closer You Look || Jack WilderWhere stories live. Discover now