Chapter One

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*Sage's P.O.V*

Grunting, rolling, punching, and yelling we roll around the backyard. Kris and I are fighting because she keeps disappearing. She wouldn't tell Cynthia and I where she's been going, so I decided to beat it out of her. Right now we are in the middle of it.

"Tell me where you've been going!" I yell at her and punch her again.

"No!" Is all I get back besides blood spat in my face.

Kris is the youngest of us all, and she's 15 this year. She's a Puma, and her name is Oriana. She's a very moody person who always wants things her way. But we can't let her be independent like that. She's not strong enough to be on her own.

I pin her down so she isn't trying to get away, "If you don't tell me I will make you wish you were dead." I tell her with anger clear in my voice. She has no idea.

"Fine." She says on the verge of tears. She got a few good hits on me. But I'm a lot stronger than she is. "Just get off me first."

"If I unpin you, will you stay?"

"Yes, now get your get fat ass off me." She groans. I roll off her and she sits next to me. "Ok... I've been..." She pauses, but I growl at her and she starts again, "I'vebeenmeetingguys."

"What? Talk slower." I scolded her.

"Uugh. I've been with guys okay!" Obviously annoyed that it couldn't just be let go.She knew I was going to blow.

"What the hell Kris!" I yelled at her. "Why?!"

"Because I can! It's not that big of a deal! Just leave me alone!" Standing up and practically stomping away from me. Before she could get to the house I grabbed her arm and yanked her back.

"You're not going anywhere until you tell me why." I told her with a deathly calm voice, leaning over her stumbled over body. She wouldn't look me in the eyes. Where is she finding these guys anyways?

Cynthia walked outside slamming the door. I looked at her expectantly, but she just had an angry look on her face. Then she said,"Leave her alone, Sage."

Cynthia is my older sister at the age of 20. She's a Lion werecat, and it definitely fits her. Her cat's name is Leona. Cynthia has been taking care of us ever since my parents disappeared. We have no idea where they went. All we know is that we woke up one morning to an empty house.

"Why should I? She's ruining her life right now, and putting our kind in danger!" I ask. She hasn't even heard where she's been. Or who she's been with.

"You're ruining my life." Kris mumbles.

I take two steps back, and then cross my arms. "Do you know what sleeping around will do to you and your future mates relationship? What if he hates you for what you've done? What if you don't even get that far?" I question Kris sadly. Why isn't she worried about this? I would.

"You don't think I already thought of that?" Kris asks me through gritted teeth.

"Knock it off, both of you! Kris come inside and we'll talk. Sage go take a run or something and calm down." Cynthia orders. She had always been the one to make sure everything was calm, and sometimes it was just to make sure that we got along so we would stay together.

We were lucky that we had even stayed together for so long. Most werecats get so independent that they turn on eachother. So they all split apart and never see eachother again. It kind of makes sense, but it's also really sad. I couldn't imagine living alone like that. Never mind without my family.

I just noticed that I'm in the woods when I trip over a stick lying across the forest floor. Just in reaction, I shift mid-fall and land on my side. I almost didn't shift completely in time. But I heal pretty quickly, it was probably just a bruise.

I keep walking and soon get bored. How do people think straight like this? It's beautiful, sunny, and refreshing. But seriously, how? I get so bored that I start to walk home.

I'm the middle child of the three of us. I'm also much different too. Because I'm a snow leopard, her names Uma. My sisters are more in the uncommon ranking of species. While I'm a rare. I'm 16 years old, and very independent. Making it harder for me to get along with others. But family is much easier, most of the time.

I get home and shift back to my human form. Funny thing, whenever us werecats shift we don't have to change. Our clothes just somehow stay there. So I just stroll up to the house in my short shorts, low neck tank-top, and DC's. I only dress up like this in the summer when I'm not going to school. Just 'cause I have some anxiety. Which I have n-

"Whatcha thinking about?" Cynthia asks interrupting my thoughts.

"Nothin much, just school." I reply.

"Why?" She asks sounding confused.

"I dunno." I shrug my shoulders a little.

"Whatever. But I wanted to tell you. You shouldn't hurt Kris like that. She's already making bad decisions, and we don't need you making it worse. Plus she's our sister." Cynthia explains to me, but I'm only half listening. I understand but I didn't beat her up just because of what she did. It's kind of from all the times she pissed me off. So it's kind of a win win. I guess...I'm not sure.

"I know but seriously. She kind of deserved it. Especially after what she told me. Did she tell you?" I ask.

"Yes...but it's not an excuse. I'll deal with it, you just worry about yourself. Every time you get involved it's always so physical." Cynthia tells me like there's something wrong.

"I don't actually beat the shit out of anyone without them pressing my buttons all the time." I tell her with a 'duh' tone. I really don't. Plus me hurting someone is me wanting to, but not going to.

"Okay, well I'm going to go to bed. I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight." She tells me as she starts walking to her room.

I look outside. I didn't notice it was dark already. "Goodnight." I walk to my room as well.

Once I get to my room, I change into sweatpants and a black tank-top. I slide under the covers of my bed and close my eyes to sleep, but someone comes into my room. I look up and it's Kris. "Hey. What are you doing in here?"

"Umm I actually don't know. I'll leave." She said pointing towards the door and starting to leave.

"No wait." I call out to her. But not like yelling or anything, just to get her attention. "I want to apologise. I'm sorry for yelling at you and punching you in the face earlier."

"Yaah, it's alright. I kind of deserved it. But next time I'll get you back." She warns me. I just giggle a little.

"Okay, goodnight. I'll see you in the morning right?"

"Yah, goodnight." Kris whispers, and then closes the door behind her as she leaves. I fall asleep shortly after.

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