Chapter Sixteen

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My body whipped around a corner to hide in a store.

Did I just screw myself over?

Ahh, that would be a yes…

“Sir is there anyway I can help you with your purchase today?” Why this store of all stores? A frickin’ LINGERIE STORE! My tum tum began churning at the sight of half-naked girls their boobies flying for the whole world to see. Oh hell there are even life-size posters. My skin got very hot all of a sudden and my arms, head, legs, face, oh man everywhere started to itch.

“U-uhm d-d-don’t worry about it.” I heard my voice foolishly stutter, my eyes darting for the nearest exit. “Nixxi? You here?” My mind could not function correctly with all this fucking femininity around. “Johnny help me!! The evil witch is gonna eat me!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed not hearing myself clearly, cause the stupid ringing of a bell never seemed to end. I felt an arm wrap around my neck, making my dizziness worse. “Johnny?” I tried hoping to the cheesecake factory that this was his swollen arm. “Try again kid.” A rough voice demanded, man I hope this person isn’t sick. “I dunno who are you mister?” I whined trying to  get out of his chokehold.

"Officer Hampton." My body felt even weaker, at the sound of his name.

"Johnathan!" my voice carried out, loudly. 

"There you are, Nixxi. What have you gotten yourself into?" Why was that bastard smiling?!

"I dunno, but help!" My fingers pulled at the arm that hung around my neck. "What the fricking' fraqk racks is so flippiin' ferdoodled funny?!" I screamed, feeling the fury through my chocolate brown eyes. 

"Wow, man, he really is gay." I heard a joking voice laugh; it strangely came from above me. 

"Right? And Pheobe told me he denies it." My best friend was laughing, joking, with the creep who was obviously not a police officer. 

"Can you let me go?" I politely asked, hiding my anger. 

"Thought you liked being on the bottom." The weirdo tousled my hair.

"Nope, but I learned your mother does." I fell hard to the ground as he released me from his arm. I looked at who it was, and began to chuckle, "Bet ya that's why she has a sore throat. 'Cause she was screaming way too loud." I felt his leg kick my ribs.

I began mimicking a woman "Oh, Pheonix! Harder! Bet ya didn't know she likes it rough" I laughed, loving his facial expression. "How's that twin of yours?" He said changing the subject obviously not liking the fact that he was on the receiving end.

"Can still kick your ass."

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