Chapter Nine: Won't Start Now

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"Ugh, oh my gosh." My eyes slowly opened to the sound of Bree throwing up all of her insides. I had a sudden pain in the left side of my head but I still rolled out of bed. 

Into my hands, I took Bree's black hair as she continued throwing up. All she had on were leggings and a tank top. Once she was done, she sighed rubbing her head. 

"I'm never going anywhere with your ass again." She groaned, I chuckled helping her up. 

"It was your fault for drinkin' two bottles of vodka by yourself. I guess you need medicine or some shit, I got it." She took her toothbrush out while I walked out to the kitchen. I got Tylenol and a bottle of water, going back into my bedroom. 

Minutes later, she came out of the bathroom and sat on the bed. "Here." I gave her the medicine and water. She put the Tylenol tablet on her tongue and washed it down with the water. 

"What time did we even get in last night?" She questioned as I sat next to her on the bed. 

"I don't even know, I just remember we finished what we started in the bathroom in my room and we were out." I smirked, leaving a kiss on Bree's neck but she pushed me away. 

"My head really hurts, Chris. Can you make me something to eat, please?" I furrowed my eyebrows. I never cooked a girl breakfast, not even Rachel. 

"I got you, just lay down and get some rest, okay?" I kissed her forehead, leaving the room. 

When I got to the kitchen, I opened the fridge. "Shit." I mumbled. I took out eggs, sausage, and Pillsbury biscuits and sat them on the counter. 

I washed my hands, taking a random pan out of the cabinet. I decided to spray the spray butter on the pan because I knew you were supposed to use it so that the food would not stick. I then popped open the biscuits with a spoon and put them on the stove in the pan. 

"Now that that's done." I got the sausages, and put then in a pan. I put them in the oven while the biscuits cooked. Smoke started clouding the kitchen, but that was because it was cooking.  

I took a mixing bowl out and started to crack an egg on the edge of it but the whole thing broke into the bowl. "Fuck!" I groaned. 

"Chris, what the hell?!" I heard Bree come into the kitchen, turning the stove off, moving the biscuits to another isle. 

"I think you gotta do the eggs this morning." I chuckled. 

"You are trying to burn your house down, aren't you?" She giggled with a sigh. "You aren't supposed to cook biscuits on the stove like that, Chris." 

"I didn't think it mattered." I shrugged. "Well, since breakfast is fucked, why don't I take you out?" I offered. 

"I'll go and get ready." She chuckled, walking away. I took the sausage out of the oven, getting ready myself. 

An Hour Later

I put my Rolex on my wrist, watching Bree spray perfume on her body. I liked her style: it was different. She wasn't the type to wear a tight dress showing her ass; she showed just the right amount, and it complimented her. 

"You look good." She accoladed, looking at me through the wall-length mirror. 

"I could say the same thing about you." I looked into her eyes through the mirror. She quickly looked down. I smirked to myself, standing up. 

"Let's go." I nodded towards the door. I opened the door for her, and we made it to the garage. 

I unlocked my Viper and we both got in. I drove off moments later. 

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